
来源 :亚太潜水与高气压医学学术会议暨第二届海峡两岸高压氧医学学术会议、中华医学会第二十二次全国高压氧医学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cenkk
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Recently, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) has been widely applied to ischemic stroke, traumatic head injury, cerebral hemorrhage, spinal cord injury, acute and chronic cerebral ischemia, etc.HBO has a beneficial effect in cerebral ischemia through the following possible mechanisms: (1) To release ischemia-hypoxia induced edema by increasing cerebral oxygen tension and cerebral blood flow;(2) To shift the anaerobic metabolism to aerobic metabolism;(3) To reduce excitotoxicity damage;(4) To awaken the sleeping neurons in penumbra region;(5) To improve outcomes of CNS injury by attenuating brain inflammation and oxidative stress;(6) To eliminate the secondary damage of ischemia-reperfusion injury when the cerebral blood flow is resumed;(7) To accelerate medication delivery to brain by improving cerebral blood flow.
目的 骨质疏松是绝经后妇女的常见病,本文的目的在于评价不同剂量rhPTH 1-34和鲑鱼降钙素鼻喷剂治疗绝经后骨质疏松的疗效、生活治疗改善和安全性.方法 将32例受试者随机分rhPTH1-34 20ug(A组)、rhPTH1-34 40ug(B组)和鲑鱼降钙素鼻喷剂(C组),同时每天予以碳酸钙600mg,单盲观察6个月,分别于治疗前,治疗后3个月及治疗后6个月测量骨密度(BMD),检测PTH、生化
目的 探讨补肾活血方对激素性INFH股骨近端骨髓间充质细胞的成骨分化及转化生长因子-β 1mRNA的影响,从细胞及分子学角度探讨补肾活血方治疗激素性INFH的机制.方法 建立激素性股骨头坏死大鼠模型后,提取股骨近端骨髓单个核细胞,随机分为4组培养,空白血清对照组(A组)、补肾活血方含药血清低(B组)、中(C组)、高(D组)浓度组,分别加入重组人骨形态发生蛋白2(rhBMP2)诱导下的骨髓间充质细胞
Purpose The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of panax notoginseng saponins(PNS) which inhibits the apoptosis of neuron on bone loss in steroid-induced osteoporosis in rats and i
Objective Researches on the characteristics and mechanisms of diabetes in Tibetan are very little.Especially there is no study on the relationship between osteocalcin and glucose metabolism.The object
目的 分析骨代谢状态与24小时尿钙排泄量的关系方法 入选08年4月-13年3月期间在我院骨松科随访的确诊为骨松症的绝经后女性患者428人.予血BGP、CTX、PTH、25 (OH)D、24小时尿钙、单次晨尿尿钙/肌酐值的测定.所有入选对象在检测前均服用钙剂加活性维生素D三月以上.
目的 近年来的研究表明,调节骨矿盐代谢的一种脂溶性维生素,维生素D通过其受体,影响胰岛B细胞的胰岛素分泌,并通过调节炎性细胞因子等多种信号通路影响骨骼肌和脂肪组织的胰岛素抵抗.而胰岛分泌功能降低和胰岛素抵抗是2型糖尿病疾病进展的主要病理生理过程.近年来国内外的临床也表明了维生素D水平降低与2型糖尿病发病及其进展有关.
Recent biomedical ultrasound development has opened up powerful emerging applications by taking advantage of unique properties of ultrasound contrast microbubbles on ultrasonic molecular imaging, drug
Melanin is a natural pigment that can be found in most organisms.It is an amorphous, irregular polymer and composed by mixtures of two different but biogenetically related pigments, eumelanins and phe
目的 研究高海拔潜水科学实验时人体暴露于高海拔低氧和高气压下的生理反应.方法 经正规医院严格体检和体能、心理训练合格的职业潜水员5名参加本实验,平均年龄33.8 (26~46)岁、身高175.5 (171~183)厘米、体重68.5 (62.5~73.5)公斤、潜水工龄10.7 (2~27)年,无减压病病史,均未去过高原.实验前都通过3000米的缺氧测验,3公斤/厘米?加压锻炼和氧敏感试验.运用海
During 22nd Annual Congress of the Chinese Society of Hyperbaric Medicine in Qingdao Fuxin Hotel, Shandong, China in October 2012.Trends and basic requirements of global use of medical hyperbaric cham