Measurement of radon exhalation and effective dose using LR-115 (Ⅱ) nuclear track detectors in the T

来源 :第七届国际天然放射性物质研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mydoself
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  Mankind has always been living with the radioactive materials and ionizing radiations since the dawn of life on the earth.There has been an increased interest in the human exposures to the naturally occurring alpha-emitting radionuclides in mines,dwellings,caves,building materials,industrial wastes,coal fuel cycles,water supplies,soils,etc.The risk to human health posed by ionizing radiation is an established fact.The naturally occurring radioactive radon (222Rn) gas is the greatest contributor to the ionizing radiation dose received by the general population1.Radon is a chemically inert radioactive gas and is found as the immediate decay product of radium (226Ra) of uranium (238U) decay series,and as such it is ubiquitous in soils and rocks2.Upon inhalation,alpha particles emitted by radon and its short-lived progenies can damage cellular DNA and radon has been established as a human lung carcinogen2,3.The radon exhalation from ground is vital in assessing the indoor radon concentrations.The Tiru valley coal field of Mon district,Nagaland,India bears significant geological characteristics.Keeping in view of health risks,in this work a study has been made on the radon exhalations and its effective doses from the coal bearing Tikak Parbat horizon of the Barail Group of the Tiru valley coal field,Mon district,Nagaland.The radon activity,mass exhalation,surface exhalation,radium content and effective dose were found to be in the range of 520.2 - 1112.3 Bq.m-3,6.5 - 14.0,217.4 - 464.8 mBq.m-2.h-1,6.7 - 14.3 and 15.8 - 33.8 μSv.y-1 for coal samples,559.8 - 912.3 Bq.m-3,7.0 - 11.4,234.0 - 381.1 mBq.m-2.h-1,7.2 - 11.8 and 17.0- 27.7 μSv.y-1 for shale samples and 815.8 - 1602.4 Bq.m-3,10.2- 20.1,340.9- 669.8 8 mBq.m-2.h-1,10.5- 20.6 and 24.8- 48.6 μSv.y-1 for sandstone samples respectively.A good correlation coefficient has been obtained between the radon exhalation and radium contents in the samples.
1999年9月18日,中共中央、国务院、中央军委在追授“两弹一星功勋奖章”的七名功臣中,有一个令许多人感到陌生的名字,那就是郭永怀。 郭永怀是我国著名力学家、应用数学家,
成功有时会使人停滞不前,因为它能带来太大的满足;有时也会使人勇往直前,因为它能催生更大的野心 2008年夏天,一个崭新的时尚奶茶连锁品牌在北京市场上异军突起。鲜绿色格调
著名诗人、中国作家协会上海分会副主席王辛笛,于2004年1月8 日病逝于上海中山医院,享年92岁。王辛笛原名王馨迪,笔名心笛,江苏淮安人,生于1912年。1935年毕业于清华大学外文
汪长诗走了以后,蒋孝武的感情世界并没有留白,他起初沉迷在一阵花天酒地之中,直到后来认识了蔡惠媚,以后他就再也没有传出任何花边。 After Wang Changshu’s departure, J