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国内中低层隔震建筑物发展已渐成熟,隔震技术正逐渐应用于高层结构。对于高层结构,隔震层的滤波效应对楼层绝对加速度响应的影响是非常值得关注的,可以大大降低罕遇地震下次生灾害的发生概率。结合北京某大底盘多塔隔震结构(建成后将成为目前大陆地区最高的隔震建筑),对结构在多遇地震、罕遇地震下的加速度响应进行分析,分析表明,隔震后的结构加速度响应显著降低,有利于保持建筑使用功能和提高地震时人员的舒适度。在目前对结构的地震反应仍然有很多不明确因素的状态下,采用隔震技术是一种有效防止结构受损的手段。 The development of low-rise and mid-rise buildings in China has matured and the technology of seismic isolation is being gradually applied to high-rise buildings. For high-rise structures, the effect of the isolation effect of the isolation layer on the absolute acceleration response of the floor is of great concern, which can greatly reduce the probability of occurrence of secondary disasters under rare earthquakes. Combined with the multi-tower isolation structure of a large chassis in Beijing (which will become the highest isolated building in the mainland at present), the acceleration response of the structure under frequent earthquakes and rare earthquakes is analyzed. The analysis shows that the structure after isolation The acceleration response is significantly reduced, helping to maintain the building’s functional capabilities and enhance the comfort of the occupants during the earthquake. In the current state of the seismic response to the structure there are still many uncertain factors, the use of isolation technology is an effective means to prevent structural damage.
一、共育设备条件 1.蚕室蚕具。可新建,也可用现成民用住房改建。一间20米~2左右的房屋,搭双排蚕架可共育40~50盒蚕种,每盒种配备长1.1米、宽0.8米的标准蚕箔(或蚕盒)4个,每个
<正> 1.夜间喂食法。猪在20~25℃的气温下,食欲最旺盛,增重最快。盛夏,白天的温度一般在30℃以上,这对猪的食欲有很大的影响。而夜间气温较低,猪感到清凉舒适,食欲旺盛。因此,