Pancreatic Head Cryosurgery Safety and Efficiency In VivoYA Pilot Study

来源 :国际(广州)癌症治疗论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jayslacker
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  Objectives: Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancerrelated death.Cryosurgery has emerged as a promising new technique for treatment.Although 80% of pancreatic cancers are located in the pancreatic head, no research has been conducted on the safety and efficacy of cryosurgery for these tumors.Methods: Two groups of Tibetan miniature pigs (n =4 per group) underwent cryosurgery to the pancreatic head with either the deep freezing protocol (100% argon output) or shallow freezing protocol (10% argon output), and compared to sham-operated pigs.Results: Serum inflammatory factors and amylase increased during the 5 days after cryoablation in both groups but acute pancreatitis did not occur.Adhesions were observed between the pancreatic head and adjacent organs, and only minor trauma was caused to the stomach, duodenum, small intestine, and liver.Ice balls with a radius of 0.5 cm beyond the tumor edge were sufficient to cause complete necrosis of the pancreatic tissue, and decreased the degree of cold injury to surrounding tissues.Conclusions: Shallow freezing protocol seemed to be safer than, and just as effective as, the deep freezing protocol.This preliminary study suggests that cryosurgery could potentially be an effective treatment of cancer of the pancreatic head.
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