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<正>East Asia,influenced by the Asian Financial Crisis(AFC) of 1997-97 and the current financial tsunami starting from 2008,is undergoing fundamental changes in its regional governance and economic cooperation.The region’s inter-state cooperation and institutional building was long perceived as underdeveloped.But now a wide range of economic cooperation and community building initiatives have emerged,and they are profoundly transforming the dynamics of regional economic cooperation and institution-building in East Asia.These regional cooperation programs include,but not limited to:the ASEAN+3 process,the Chiang Mai Initiative,the East Asia Summit(EAS),the Asian Bond Market,and a series of bilateral and multilateral Free Trade Area(FTA) and Economic Partnership Agreements(EPA).Unlike prior attempts to construct a trans-Pacific regional architecture centered on APEC,these projects were driven by the shared sense of purpose among East Asian countries to construct a more Asian-oriented community and to serve the need of better East Asian regional governance.Also, unlike the regional production networks largely shaped by the Japanese economic power and corporate strategies from the 1970s to 1990s,the rapidly rise of the Chinese economic power has become a leading force to reshape regional governance and regional institutional building.To what extent does China influence other East Asian countries’ economic development,and how others have benefited from China’s growth? As the countries in East Asia have become increasingly interdependent,leaders in the region have become more determined to build a framework for greater regional cooperation and integration.What regional political-economic organizations would emerge in East Asia? How leaders in China think about future regional cooperation and regional governance in East Asia? This paper attempts to address these questions and shed light on the policy and academic debates about these issues.
Palm oil is of great potential as one of the sustainable alternatives to fish oil(FO) in aquafeeds.In this present study,five isonitrogenous diets(32% crude pro
<正> 一前言氰化镀铜是现实电镀生产中广泛应用的老工艺,此工艺具有镀液分散能力好;深镀能力好;镀层结晶细致;与基体结合力好等优点。因此,往往用于钢铁基体和锌压铸件上直接
北京在历史上曾为六朝都城。虽然宫墙深院所代表的皇权早已随时光远去,但那些保留下来的皇家园林建筑,仍然能让我们感受到皇城曾经的辉煌。我是土生土长的北京人,怀有浓厚的北京情结,所以摄影主题离不开老北京文化,而皇家文化是老北京文化的重要组成部分,因此作为最能直观表现皇家文化的皇家园林,自然成了我拍摄的重点。  北京的皇家园林数量众多,明清两代的故宫、被誉为“皇家园林博物馆”的颐和园、帝王用来祭祀的天坛、