Historical review, current status and future perspective of regulated bioanalysis

来源 :第十届全国药物和化学异物代谢学术会议暨第三届国际ISSX/CSSX联合学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zs83315
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  In the past three decades, Chinas pharmaceutical market has grown to be the fifth largest in the world and is well positioned to be the second largest within the next decade.Many global pharmaceutical companies are setting their R&D centers in China.More and more global clinical studies and drug registration trials have been conducted in the country.Regulated bioanlaysis is playing more and more important role to support both regulated pre-clinical and clinical studies.Therefore it is extremely important for Chinese bioanalytical community and regulatory agency to understand and follow the trend of international bioanalytical guidance.In first part of this presentation, a historical review of the evolution of regulated bioanalysis around the world, along with the advancement of analytical technologies, will be given.The newest development and their indications in bioanalytical guidelines from FDA, EMA and industrial white papers in the past decade will be discussed.The presentation will also give the latest update on bioanalycal guidelines from Japan MHLW, Canada TPD, Brazil ANVISA and China SFDA/Pharmacopeia.The gaps between Chinese and FDA/EMA guidelines will be briefly compared.Then the current status, challenges and opportunities for regulated bioanalysis to support both GLP preclinical and clinical studies in China will be discussed.Finally I will give update on the on-going efforts to harmonize the bioanalytical guidance from global bioanalyticai communities-specifically the goals, current activities and the future impact of Global Bioanalytical Consortium (GBC) will be presented.
  背景 研究表明抗疟药青蒿素多剂量口服给药后具有明显的自身诱导代谢现象,主要诱导CYP2B6和3A4,导致AUC明显降低及临床复发率高.但是,迄今青蒿素自身诱导代谢的分子机制
  目的 本研究的目的是为了阐明抗病毒药物恩替卡韦是否为OAT1、OAT3、OCT和PEPT1的底物以及恩替卡韦与二肽抗肝炎化合物JBP485药物相互作用的靶点.方法 建立灵敏、准确、
桧—苹锈病发病规律及防治技术的研究苹—桧锈病(Gymnosporangium yam-adai M.)是转主寄生的病害,严重危害古柏与果树。北京市园林研究所与天坛公园协作对苹—桧锈病进行了
雾中清晨的美景  拍摄沉睡在雾霭中的冬日风景。  冬季的日出是一年中最美丽的。太阳从地平线上探出头来,打破了雾气和冰霜笼罩的宁静,地面上的一切细节都在金色阳光的沐浴下鲜活起来。水汽在冷清的冬夜慢慢凝成了雾气,如果没有风,在第二天早上太阳升起后,它们还能保持一段时间。  风光摄影师朱利安·埃利奥特(Julian Elliot)起了个大早,在一座大教堂附近一直等待太阳升起,并拍摄了这张照片。他说“我早