Life-cycle vehicle carrying safety assessment for highway RC Grillage Narrow Bridge considering carb

来源 :The 7th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safe | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guzhilun820
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  Concrete carbonation and rebar corrosion are two main processes accounting for the life cycle operational performance degradation for reinforced concrete (RC) bridges.This paper proposes the analyzing model and procedure for the evaluation of vehicle carrying safety of a RC grillage highway narrow bridge concerning concrete carbonation and rebar corrosion in its service life.Lumped plastic hinge model for the grillage beam components and vehicle load incremental methods for bridge plastic limit state analysis are adopted to analyze bridge vehicle carrying capacity considering material deterioration.Sensitivity analysis is conducted to check the key influential parameters which will accelerate structural performance degradation process.Monte Carlo simulation is employed to analyze bridge performance concerning uncertainties.Structural reliability index is computed to track structure life cycle safety degradation.Figure 1 is the life cycle bridge capacity degradation curve for the given bridge.
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一  这趟兰州至拉萨的火车,晚了二十几分钟。想到人的一生也就像这火车沿着轨道向前,有时候早几分钟,有时候晚几分钟,有时候又停在原地完全不能动,就不由得扭头看了看坐我旁边,跟我一起等车的叔叔。  火车来了,候车厅里大部分人都站起来,移动成长长的一支队伍,一个跟一个过去检票。等我检完票走上月台时,车厢的旁边也已经排了长长一队人,在门口乘务员的注目下缓缓往车厢里移。叔叔走在我的前面,穿的大概是十几年前的
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