Observation of submicron aerosols at Mount Tai in east China from 2010 to 2012:Impact of different a

来源 :第十一届全国气溶胶会议暨第十届海峡两岸气溶胶技术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shichun
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  Real-time measurements of non-refractory submicron aerosols (NR-PM1) were conducted using an aerodyne mass spectrometry (Q-AMS) at the summit of Mount Tai (1534m above sea level)in Shandong province,locates in the center of the Central East China (CEC) region,from June 2010 to January 2012,as a part of National basic research project monitoring campaign.The mass concentrations and size distributions of non-refractory submicron particle (NR-PM1) species (i.e.,sulfate,nitrate,ammonium,chloride,and organics) were measured in situ at 5-min time resolution.Overall,146 days valid data was obtained during the whole campaign,which covers four different seasons.The average total mass concentration of NR-PM1 was 42.9 g m-3,with 31%sulfate,32% organics,19% nitrate and 18% ammonium.The average mass concentration of NR-PM1 is highest (59.9 g m-3) in summer and lowest (31.9 g m-3) in spring.Species occupied different percentages in different seasons,sulfate in summer,Organics in fall and winter,while nitrate dominants the NR-PM1 in spring respectively.To investigate the size-resolved mass concentrations of aerosol chemical components from different sources,seven air masses were clustered based on the 72 hours back trajectory with HYSPLIT model.Cluster I,IV and V with short pathway represent the local and regional sources,and the concentrations from these clusters were higher than that from cluster III and VI which originated from remote and clean North-West sources.According to the results of diurnal cycles for chemical species in NR-PM1 higher at noon and lower at midnight from seven clusters,it was concluded that the site was controlled under the transitions between PBL and FT at daytime and nighttime.The size distributions of chemical species were different from different air masses,cluster I,II,IV,V and VII showed same shape with accumulation mode (500-600nm),the concentration at nighttime is lower than at daytime.For cluster VI and III,it demonstrated wider shape peaking at 300 nm,and there were no obvious decrease in concentration at nighttime.
本文在对我国6属39种蚊四龄幼虫上颚扫描电镜观察的基础上,在IBM PC机上应用dBASE Ⅲ语言,建立数据库管理系统,经调试运行编制了本检索表 Based on the scanning electron m
原中共中央书记处研究室研究员、著名营养学家于若木同志,因病医治无效,于2006年2月28日在北京逝世,享年87岁。  于若木1919年4月出生于山东省济南市。1936年9月加入中国共产党。1938年1月被派送到中共中央党校学习,同年3月与陈云同志结为革命伴侣。曾先后在国家科学规划委员会资料室、中国科学院植物研究所工作。  1981年,时年61岁的于若木任中共中央书记处研究室科技组顾问。她与科技组的
5月23日下午,联合国秘书长安南离开北京,结束了他就任以来对中国的第七次访问。在安南飞往北京前夕,本刊驻联合国记者邹德浩对他进行了采访。 On the afternoon of May 23,