Molecular Imaging in Multiple Myeloma

来源 :BIT`s 1st Annual International Symposium of Hematology-2012( | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyuwei9999
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  Various imaging techniques have been used in the management of multiple myeloma (MM).The current standard is still the radiographic skeletal survey due to its widespread availability, low cost and its ability to assess the whole skeletal system.However, plain films of the skeleton could miss up to 25% of bone lesions in MM.Other modalities such as computerized tomographic (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging are more sensitive but are limited by potential renal insufficiency due to intravenous contrast and by only a focal evaluation of the imaged part of the body.Positron emission tomography (PET) especially when fused with CT scan provides not only provide anatomic visualization of the whole body but also provide the functional activities of lesions, both medullary and extramedullary,in MM.In this session, we will discuss the mechanics of FDG-PET scans, define its role in differentiating MGUS vs MM, and in the diagnosis, response assessment and evaluation of relapse/progression in MM.
《陶非陶:我在陶瓷国度的明星历程》一 书讲述了一位留学生在中国学习和生活的经历和感受。 他本人聪明、善良、多才多艺,是中国著名相声演员丁 广泉的弟子。书中通过这位外
  Hyperglycaemia may commonly be found in critically ill patients as a result of increased gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis caused by elevated levels of cor
构建和谐家庭,一个重要的方面就是家庭成员之间需要多沟通。据一份调查资料统计,78%的家庭出现不和谐甚至解体的主要原因是夫妻之间沟通不够。这说明,在一个家庭里,家庭成员之间必须经常沟通思想、沟通感情。  一般人会认为,生活在一个屋檐下,每天见面,怎么可能还有沟通不好的问题?其实,并不是天天在一起就能够实现无障碍沟通的。  笔者以为,家庭成员之间沟通出现问题的主要原因不外乎以下三个方面:一是轻视沟通。