Municipal Impact Analysis based on movement of Chungcheongnam-do provincial office

来源 :第4届中日韩地理学家学术研讨会暨第12次全国青年地理工作者学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tplian123
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  Relocation of the Chungcheongnam-do provincial office can lead the collateral movement of other similar offices.So,transition of urban hierarchy in this province and the skirt regions also can be changed.Development of new town can affect to the total hierarchical structure from high-level cities to low-level cities,and it is patent.Especially,in a case of new provincial office area,the effect of provincial office would be very dominant,so the hierarchical effects of this area also could be much influential than before,and finally,transition of regional structure is inevitable.In this study we tried to analyze influential area of new relocation city of the Chungcheongnam-do provincial office through the movement pattern and the urban hierarchical analysis of Daejeon and Chungcheongnam-do.Above all,urban structural study is based on the distinction of every regions through comparing the single-view or tíme-series with population size rankings.Second,the influential analysis based on the movement pattern will be structured by one day commutation boundary per a day and per destination,the amounts of commuters,and the boundary.Also,central place theory of Christaller would be the basic theory of spatial structure analysis and the effective boundary study.In sum,Hongbuk-myeon in Hongseong-gun and Geumma-myeon,Deoksan-myeon in Yesan-gun and Sapgyo-eup is would be in same living zone with new Chungcheongnam-do provincial area.As a result of analysis of urban hierarchical structure of Chungcheongnam-do province,Yesan-gun can be in same living zone with new Chungcheongnam-do area over the city of cheonan-si.Also,as a result of affective boundary analysis based on the movement pattern,when the population is 50,000,the zone is about 29.1 ㎞,33.6 ㎞ when population is 100,000,38.1 ㎞ when population is 150,000,and 42.6 ㎞ when population is 200,000.
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