Integrated strategy for biomass production and carbon sequestration for decarbonising electricity ge

来源 :The 4th International Conference on Biomass Energy Technolog | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pingzidege
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  Recent studies(e.g.EMF-27 modelling groups,IPCC AR5,IEA 2014 ETP report,Global Energy Assessment 2013)indicate that to achieve the +2°C global temperature stabilization target complying with the RCP 2.6 W/m2,energy efficiency or renewable energy alone many not be sufficient.Carbon capture and sequestration(CCS)is considered one technology vector to deeply decarbonise the global energy system.Coupled biomass and CCS(BCCS)in electricity generation is a particularly promising technology choice as its successful industrial application may result in so-called negative emissions.Biomass combustion per se is a carbon-free process because the resulting CO2 was previously captured by the plants being combusted.In a BCCS plant,the released carbon emissions resulting from biomass combustion is then captured and stored permanently underground.Although there have been intensive research in technical feasibility of implementing BCCS projects in literature,few studies have addressed the issues of sustainable biomass supply and evaluation of cost curves in BCCS projects.In other words,those studies usually treat aggregate biomass supply as exogenous and assume the demand will always be satisfied with available agricultural resources regardless of quantity and time.
  The composition of municipal solid waste(MSW)including water content,cellulose content,organic ingredients,etc were examined.Through to the municipal organi
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  Ensiling,a wet preservation method,is an appropriate method of storing feedstock for biogas production.Fresh maize straw,contain enough water-soluble carboh
本论文主要探讨微乳电动毛细管色谱在分离强疏水性化合物--菊酯类农药方面的应用研究。   微乳电动毛细管色谱(Microemulsion Electro Kinetic Chromatography,MEEKC)是近