Molecular Characterization of a Novel Victorivirus Infecting the Plant Pathogenic Fungus Sclerotinia

来源 :中国植物病理学会2014年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Forest2008
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  Sclertoinia sclerotiorum is a destructive soil-borne plant pathogenic fungus, which has a broad host range of over 450 species and subspecies among 64 genera of plants (Boland, 1994).More than 10 mycoviruses have previously been identified from S.sclerotiorum and most of reported mycoviruses caused hypovirulence.These mycoviruses are important biological resources for discussion the evolution, ecology of viruses, and biocontrol strategies.In the present study, a hypovirulent strain YX26 was originally isolated from a sclerotium collected from a diseased rapeseed plant in Jiangxi province.Compared to strains Ep-1PNA367 and 1980 of S.sclerotiroum, strain YX26 showed hypovirulence including abnormal colony morphology, slower growth rate, lower virulence on detached rapeseed plant leaves and no sclerotia production.DsRNA extraction suggested that 11 dsRNA segments at least exist in strain YX26.The full eDNA sequences of one dsRNA segments were determined by conventional random priming cDNA synthesis,RT-PCR and RACE clones.Sequence analysis showed that the obtained sequence is the genome of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum victorivirus 1 (SsVV1/YX26).The full cDNA sequence of SsVV1/YX26 was comprised of 5142 nts with G + C content of 50.1%.It contains a 5-untranslated region (UTR) of 284 nts and a 3-UTR of 89 nts.SsVV1/YX26 comprises two large overlapping ORFs which were predicted to encode RdRp and coat protein (CP).The RdRp contains a typical conserved domain of RT-like superfamily, and CP contains a conserved Multi-domain.Both CP and RdRp of SsVV1/YX26 share high sequence identity with that of Aspergillus foetidus slow virus 1 (AfV-S1).The start codon of RdRp of SsVV1 overlaps stop codon for upstread CP in the tetranucleotide sequence AUGA, which was a common characteristic in the members of Victorivirus.Phylogenetic analysis showed that SsVV1 is a novel dsRNA virus belonging to Victorivirus of the family Totiviridae.The relationship between SsVV1/YX26 and hypovirulent traits of strain YX26 needs to be further investigated.
马立克氏病(Marek’s Disease,MD)是由疱疹病毒科细胞结合性马立克氏病病毒(MDV)引起的恶性T淋巴细胞增生性肿瘤疾病.MD是严重危害养鸡业和家禽健康的一种重要传染病,以免疫抑制、多发性神经炎、内脏和组织中形成T淋巴瘤为特征.MDV诱导的T细胞淋巴瘤,被认为是病毒诱导的淋巴瘤中典型的肿瘤模型.最近,有一些研究报道MD模型中宿主和病毒miRNA的表达变化.本课题组前期对MD淋巴瘤进行了
Circadian rhythm organizes inner physiology with respect to the external world, providing life with the ability to anticipate and thereby better prepare for major fluctuations in its environment.To de
Mycoviruses could vertically transmit via host cell division and sporogenesis, and could horizontally transmit via cell fusion as a result of hyphal anastomosis.However, mycoviruses may be eliminated