Low temperature photochemical sol-gel fabrication and highly uniform resistive switching properties

来源 :中国物理学会2013年秋季学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongmaomi
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  Among the emerging computing technologies with superior performances such as high density and low cost,high endurance and long retention,fast operating speed and low energy consumption,resistive switching (RS) effect in metal/oxide/metal configuration has attracted significant attention for its promising applications in non-volatile resistive random access memory,artificial neural computing and reconfigurable logic operation fields.1 Meanwhile,photochemical activated sol-gel method is an interesting and important method for fabrication of electronic thin films and electrochemical materials.
有限一维光子晶体在表面处被截断,其对称性被打破,会在禁带内引入表面态,这种表面态对应的电磁波沿一维光子晶体与外界媒质的界面传播,被称为布洛赫表面波(Bloch surface waves,BSWs)。[1,2]布洛赫表面波的色散曲线位于光线以下,需借助棱镜由Kretschmann 或Otto 结构激发。
光波在周期性光子晶格(波导阵列)中传输时会表现出许多特殊的行为,如离散衍射,反常衍射,反常折射等[1,2]。而当在周期性光子晶格中引入适当的结构无序[3,4]时,无序光子晶格将会出现许多奇特的光学效应,如光波的横向Anderson 局域等。
Dynamical activity in biological neural networks is characterized by irregular firing of individual neurons and weak,near zero pair-wise correlation.It has been shown that decorrelated,asynchronous st
Although topological defects frequently emerge in active matter like bacterial colonies,cytoskeleton extracts on substrates,self-propelled granular or colloidal layers etc.,their dynamical properties
In this work we investigate the electric field driven motion of 90°-domain walls and associated dielectric response in strained ferroelectric lattice using the phase field simulation based on the time