Construction of a cDNA library and preliminary analysis of the expressed sequence tags of the earthw

来源 :中国生物化学与分子生物学会2019年全国学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rghaijun23
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  Earthworms are useful indicator organisms of soil health and Eisenia fetida have been extensively used as test organisms in ecotoxicological studies.
ZNF281(zinc finger protein 281)is a transcription factor containing four zinc finger domains.It has been reported that ZNF281 is indispensable for pluripotency maintenance of embryonic stem cells depe
长链非编码RNA(Long non-coding RNA,lncRNA)是一类转录本长度大于200nt、不编码蛋白的RNA分子。研究显示lncRNA在表观遗传调控、转录调控以及转路后调控等层面上参与调节胚胎发育、细胞增殖分化、器官发生等生物学过程。香猪作为贵州特有的小型地方猪种,繁殖性状特别是产仔数在群体间的变化较大,但总体上繁殖力低。
piRNAs play significant roles in suppressing transposons and nonself nucleic acids,maintaining genome integrity,and defending against viral infections.
RNA exosome is a 3to 5 exonuclease complex,consisting of a 9-protein catalytically inactive core complex(EXO-9)and two catalytic subunits,Rrp6,and Dis3.EXO-9 forms a double-layered barrel-like structu
Internal ribosome entry site(IRES)elements are cis-acting RNA regions that promote internal initiation of protein synthesis with cap-independent mechanisms.
In mammals,nine aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases along with three auxiliary proteins assemble into a megacomplex called the multi-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complex(MSC).
蛋白质合成在生命活动中占有重要地位,分为起始、延伸、终止和核糖体回收四个阶段。多个GTPase参与翻译各过程进行且提供能量,包括翻译终止因子RF3(release factor 3)。迄今为止,在原核生物中释放因子RF1(release factor 1)和RF3是如何协作推进翻译终止过程的发生,与核糖体又发生了怎样的相互作用,特别是核糖体与RF1构成的复合物是否作为RF3的鸟嘌呤核苷酸交换因子(