
来源 :中华口腔医学会第十一次全国牙体牙髓病学学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:good2009good
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  目的:比较Cftr 在燃煤型氟中毒仔鼠釉质发育期牙胚、骨及主要氟代谢组织器官(肝、肾、肺)中相对表达量变化.方法:36 只3 周龄清洁级SD 大鼠随机均分为两组,雌雄2∶1.
This study 1)described the key role of each multi-health professional team members at the subdistrict level(smallest health service unit)and 2)showed the net outcome of the team effort using WHO 3As C
Background: The Preventive Health Service Guideline on Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence is found to be evidence-based and highly cost-effective but its recommended treatments are underused by smoke
Background: Since 1992,all forms of tobacco products advertising and promotion have been banned in Thailand.
Background: In recent years,tobacco companies have been introducing marketing campaigns that aggressively target the youth.
Background.Prohibition to promotion of tobacco product is an effective way to fight tobacco.In ASEAN,Indonesia is the only country that hasnt prohibits tobacco ads in broadcast media.
Most countries in the ASEAN region have made good progress in implementing a comprehensive ban on tobacco advertising,promotions and sponsorship(TAPS).
Background: Tobacco use is a growing public health problem in India.Almost 15% children aged 13-15 years currently use tobacco.
目的:探究变异链球菌中small RNA 与其靶基因的相互作用关系,及其对变异链球菌各种表型(生存曲线、耐酸、生物膜)的影响.方法:① RNA 深度测序变异链球菌UA159 菌株,筛选出30 个候选sRNA,使用targetRNA2 软件预测各自靶基因;②Northern blotting 验证sRNA341 存在;③采用IFDC2 基因无痕敲除方法、以穿梭质粒pDL278 为基因载体,构建靶基因
目的:探究GERD 与龋病的临床相关性;探究GERD 对唾液相关理化成分的影响。方法:对非GERD 组和GERD 组进行龋病相关临床指标检查(DMFT和DMFS),及唾液相关理化成分分析(pH、缓冲能力、无机离子、唾液蛋白)。