A new generation of Heavy Section Mills

来源 :第五届宝钢学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greatkinghg
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  Competitiveness is a goal common to all steel producers as it allows them to hold a leading position in today s market,which is more demanding and tougher than ever.Competitiveness means top quality products and high output capacity at the lowest possible transformation costs.The plant manufacturer s mission is to provide steel producers with the most advanced technology both in terms of machinery and production processes,in order to reach the above-mentioned targets.An example of a plant built with such criteria is the 1 000 000 t/a Heavy Section Mill of Emirates Steel-one of the United Arab Emirates leading metallurgical companies-started up by Danieli in early 2012.The Heavy Section Mill,based on the PSP-Profile Sizing Process,produces a large variety of structural shapes starting from conticast beam blanks and blooms.This article introduces the process and equipment solutions developed by Danieli to build the new-generation Heavy Section Mills.
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