【摘 要】
Our biomedical imaging research over the last 20 years has led to the discovery of small molecular necrosis-avid compounds (NACs) useful for imaging diagnos
【机 构】
Department of radiology, University Hospital, University of Leuven Belgium
Our biomedical imaging research over the last 20 years has led to the discovery of small molecular necrosis-avid compounds (NACs) useful for imaging diagnosis of myocardial infarction and therapeutic assessment of RF tumor ablation with MRI, nuclear scintiscan and optical imaging.This stroma targetability has now been extended from diagnostic to therapeutic utilities in combination with the use of vascular disrupting agents (VDAs) to formulate a novel anticancer approach namely small-molecular sequential dual targeting theragnostic strategy (SMSDTTS), in which instead of directly attacking cancer cells (seeds), we sought to treat solid malignant tumors by selectively destroying their microenvironment (soil).
在汾阳县南偏城村,有位79岁高龄的离休老干部,一心扑在“四荒”治理和植树育树上,既丰富了自己的晚年生活,也为家乡群众脱贫致富奔小康做出了榜样。 老人名叫王和宽,1984年1
Current proteomic technologies are limited with respect to absolute quantification of protein levels and the amount of material required: large ensembles of
Cancer may occur through multiple pathways with different mechanisms of action taking place at different rates in cells.Identification of the genetic and cl
畸高的房价已经把众多的消费者抛离在市场之外,行业风险是否该释放,如何释放,也许不仅仅表现在房价的“拐点”上 2008年1月,号称拥有1800家门店的中国最大地产中介——创辉租售集团,被曝倒闭。创辉租售是一家总部在深圳的房产中介公司,2007年9月进入上海市场,仅用三个月便在上海开出250家门店。然而,上海的迅速扩张却成了创辉租售的滑铁卢。 现在,创辉租售上海分部不得不关闭90%以上门店。“
Alpha-Gal epitopes were synthesized on hepatocellular adenocarcinoma cell surface using neuraminidase and recombinant bovine α-1,3-galactosyltransferase (