ON Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgeryin Elderly Patients

来源 :第八届北京五洲国际心血管病会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Y514027468
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  Objective The incidence of coronary artery bypass grafting surgery (CABG) in elderly patients has been increasing.There are contradictory reports on the early outcome of elderly coronary artery patients as compared with their young counterparts.The aim of this retrospect study is to analyze the results of isolated on-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) in patient≥ 70 years-old.Methods 312 Patients undergoing isolated on-pump CABG from Jan 2008 to Dec 2012 were divided in two groups: GE (elderly=≥ 70 years-old, n=118) and GY (adults< 70 years-old, n=194).Preoperative data, intraoperative (as cardiopulmonary bypass time, aortic clamping time, time length of stay in mechanical ventilation--MV--and number of grafts), and postoperative variable (as morbidity, mortality and time length of stay in hospital) were analyzed during hospitalization.Results In GE, the LOIS was longer than in GA (5.1± 2.3 vs.4.5±1.9, P=0.013), smaller BSA,(1.64± 0.14, 1.77± 0.18 m2 P=0.000), higher occurrence rate of ICU delirium (21.2% vs.8.8% P=0.003),Mechanical Ventilator support more than 5 days (7.1% vs.1.6%, P =0.022),First day post operativemediastinal drainage amount (713.7ml ± 480.8 vs.577.5 ± 387.6ml P=0.013), EurScore (7.0±2.8 vs 4.2±3.5 P=0.000), higher prevalence of COPD (9.3% vs.2.1% P=0.004), but there was no difference in the mortality rate (5.9% vs.3.1%, P=0.251).Prevalence of DM (45.8% vs.562%, P=0.074) and Hypertension (75.4% vs.74.2%, P=0.814), There was no difference between the groups regarding intraoperative variables.After multivariate analysis, age ≥70-year-old was associated with greater morbidity, but it was not independent predictive factor for in-hospital mortality.Conclusion This study suggests that patient ≥70-year old were at increased risk of postoperative complications when submitted to isolated on-pump CABG in comparison to patients < 70-year-old CABG in the elderly patients had certain surgical risks such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, occurrence rate of ICU delirium, and postoperative complications such as pulmonary complications, more postoperative bleeding and blood transfusionin the elderly than in the younger patients but not under increased risk of death.
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若愚、丽生、世英、雋軒、自秀、念先诸同志: 听了刘敬修等同志回部的彙報,感到有下面一些问题,須提出來談一談: 一、你們的會議開得很好。新民主主義政权的建设,在我們還是
【摘要】本文针对目前教学中学生压力大,教学效率低的现状,从提高教师专业素质、改进教学方法、树立正确的作业观几个方面论述了英语课堂如何减负增效的方式方法,以达到减负增效、优化课堂教学的目的。  【关键词】中学英语;减负增效;教师素质;启发式教学;作业观  【中图分类号】G632 【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】1671-1270(2010)05-0070-01    减负即“减轻学生过重的课业负担”。
  Background Hypertension induces end-organ damage through inflammation, and autophagy plays a crucial role in the regulation of cellular homeostasis, but the