Environmental Pollution in East Asia from the View Point of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

来源 :第21届中国大气环境科学与技术大会暨中国环境科学学会大气环境分会2015年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bright545454
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  Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)such as benzo[a]pyrene(BaP)andnitropolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(NPAHs)such as 1-nitropyrene(1-NP)are ubiquitousenvironmental organic pollutants,which mainly originate from imperfect combustion andpyrolysis of organic matters.In addition,several NPAHs are secondarily formed in the atmosphere.Combustions of coal,oil and biomass etc.are major sources of PAHs and NPAHs,suggesting thatthese pollutants exist in suspended particulate matters(PM10)in urban air.On the other hand,PAHs and their branched derivatives are main components of petroleum.Oil spill accidents causedamages on marine ecosystems.Many of PAHs and NPAHs are carcinogenic and/or mutagenic.For example,the International Agency for Research on Cancer ranked BaP in Group 1(carcinogenic to humans),1-NP in Group 2A(probably carcinogenic to humans)and several otherPAHs and NPAHs in Group 2B(possibly carcinogenic to humans).Additionally,World HealthOrganization(WHO)moved PM2.5 into Group 1 in 2013,because several PAHs and NPAHs arecontained in PM2.5 as described above.The economics and industrial outputs of East Asian countries such as Japan,China,Koreaand Russia have developed rapidly with the increase of their populations.Together,these countriesaccount for more than a quarter of the world energy consumption.The main energy sources aredifferent in these countries,oil in Japan and Korea and coal in China and far-Eastern Russia.Thissuggests different air pollution in these countries.Recenyly,the urbun air pollution caused byautomobile exhausts has been significantly imporved in Japan.However,high concentration ofatmospheric PM2.5 has been reported in Beijing,China in 2013.My reserch group started international collaboration study on the environmental monitoringof East Asia.We collected airborne particulates in Japan as well as in Pan-Japan Sea countries(China,Korea and Russia)since 1997 and marine water samples since 2008,and after thendetermined both PAHs and NPAHs.The concentrations and compositions of PAHs and NPAHsshowed large differences and rapid changes in the area.My talk will focus on the recent changesof atmospheric and marine pollution in East Asia from the view point of PAHs and NPAHsobtained by the international collaboration study.
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