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20世纪的中西交通史研究已积累了一定的学术成果,本文以此为题展开学术史的回顾与思考。首先,澄清中西交通史的广义概念和狭义内涵。其次,总结其百年间的发展演变,认为20世纪的中西交通史研究在社会历史变动和学术自身逻辑发展的影响下,经过世纪初中西交通史研究的兴起、民国期间学科的成立、六七十年代的相对沉淀和八十年代后的蓬勃发展等4个研究阶段的演进。再次,考察以往对20世纪中西交通史研究的评论,即对有关学者学术成就的总结、就某个专题成果进行评论和学术史的阶段性回顾与前瞻。最后,对新世纪此领域学术研究的展望,提出应对20世纪的中西交通史研究作完整总结、作立体评析,并提炼20世纪中西交通史研究所涉及的理论问题及取得的理论成果。 In the 20th century, the study of Chinese and Western traffic history has accumulated a certain amount of academic achievements. This article reviews and thinks about the academic history of this issue. First of all, to clarify the general concept and narrow connotation of the history of Chinese and Western traffic. Secondly, summarizing its development and evolution over a hundred years, the author thinks that in the 20th century, under the influence of the changes of social history and the logic of academic self-development, the study of Sino-Western traffic history in the 20th century, The relative precipitation in the age and the vigorous development after the eighties and other four research stages of evolution. Thirdly, reviewing the previous reviews on the studies of the history of Chinese and Western traffic in the 20th century, that is, summarizing the academic achievements of the scholars concerned, reviewing the achievements of a particular topic, and reviewing and predicting the academic history in a phased manner. At last, on the prospect of academic research in this field in the new century, it is proposed to make a complete summary of the research on the history of Chinese and Western traffic in the 20th century, to make a three-dimensional analysis and to refine the theoretical issues and the theoretical achievements in the study of the history of Sino-Western traffic in the 20th century.
【正】 上海音乐学院在今年秋季开学后,对“四人帮”炮制的“两个估计”和“文艺黑线专政”论进行了深入的揭发批判。广大教师砸碎了多年来压在身上的沉重的精神枷锁,进一步
500k A大型电解槽的氧化铝浓度受原材料质量、工艺条件变化、设备故障、操作质量、人工干预等因素影响,难以控制在最佳范围,通过对智能浓度控制系统进行优化升级,进一步优化