
来源 :2015长江三角洲微偏分方程学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beakerzhou
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  In this talk,we deal with Aronszajn-type topological structure of the solution sets for Cauchy problems of nonlinear evolution inclusions.
  The Green-Griffiths-Lang conjecture stipulates that for every projective variety X of general type over C,there exists a proper algebraic subvariety of X co
  We consider the computational questions which arise when analyzing quasi-birth-death processes with a continuous phase set.We develop a framework based on t
  Peer Instruction(PI),always with Class Voting System,is being tested in increasing students engagement and comprehension in various backgrounds.
  Up to now,we have some good sufficient conditions(such as Kanda-Forst condition,Raos condition and the extended Kanda-Forst-Rao condition etc.)for a Lévy p
  We investigate regularity of a family of solutions of the (6)-equation on a family of pseudoconvex domains that depend on a parameter.
  In this talk,we will first review Perelmans W-entropy formula for Ricci flow and the W-entropy formula for the heat equation of the Witten Laplacian on comp
  Studying the long-term behavior of the K(a)hler-Ricci flow on mildly singular varieties,one isnaturally lead to construct weak solutions of degenerate parab
  We will discuss a particular sums of squares problem for analytic functions,and explore how progress on this problem yields results concerning mappings betw
  In this talk,we consider the parabolic conservation law with large initial data which has a big perturbation.
  The problem of regularity of mappings between real hypersurfaces in complex space has attracted a lot of attention of experts in CR-geometry in the last few