(Oral) Fabrication and Characterization of Nano Graphene Oxide with Improved Process Utilizing Commo

来源 :2014中国国际石墨烯创新大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:f415931981
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  Graphene oxide (GO), which has been known for 150 years, is a two dimensional soft material, which could be precursor for solution process to produce graphene / reduction graphene oxide.Nowadays, due to the size-dependent amphiphilicity, abundant functional groups on the GO and the π-conjugation retained on the basal plane of GO, various of possibility of modification can be conducted on GO with nano dimensional properties.Nano graphene oxide (NGO) has attracted more and more attention, which could be used in photoelectric applications, biological applications, drug delivery systems, and carbon quantum dots, composites and other wide range prospects.
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