Epidemiology of type 2 diabetic foot problems and predictive factors for amputation in China

来源 :中华医学会糖尿病学分会糖尿病足与周围血管病学组年会暨2014中国糖尿病足及相关疾病论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bingying888
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  Aims:To determine incidence and clinically relevant risk factors for diabetic amputation in a large cohort study of diabetic foot ulceration patients in China.Methods: To investigate total 669 diabetic foot ulceration patients,who were assessed at baseline for demographic information,medical and social history,peripheral neuropathy screening,periphery artery disease screening,assessment of nutritional status and diabetic control,physical examination including foot deformity in fifteen Grade Ⅲ-A hospitals.Results: Of the 669 patients,435 were male and 201 were female,with mean age being 64.0 years.Of all patients,110 were neuropathic ulcers,122 were ischemic ulcers,276 were neuroischemic ulcers,12 were unclassified.Wagner classification showed 61 cases were grade Ⅰ,216 cases grade Ⅱ,159 cases grade Ⅲ,137 cases grade Ⅳ,7 case gradeⅤ.
Background Radiographic measurements are typically used in achondroplasia (ACH) during correction of lower limb alignment.However,reliabilities for the measurements on weightbearing radiographs of the
目的:本研究拟建立脊髓缺血再灌注损伤的动物模型,选用氢盐水对兔进行腹腔注射治疗,通过检测清除自由基、抑制神经细胞凋亡和减轻炎症反应等方面相关指标,探讨氢盐水对脊髓缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用机制.方法:Zivin 法制备兔脊髓缺血再灌注损伤模型,将30 只新西兰大白兔分为3 组:A 组(假手术组10 只)、B 组(对照组10只)、C 组(氢盐水治疗组10 只).
The regenerative treatment of osseous defects is a formidable challenge inorthopedic surgery.In the present study,a novel biomimetic compositescaffold,here called nano-hydroxyapatite/poly-ε-caprolacto
[目的]比较分析位于基底节区不同直径的急性单灶脑梗死患者临床特点及梗死灶形成的可能机制.[方法]回顾性分析发病24 h 内梗死灶位于基底节区的急性单灶脑梗死患者144 例,发病72h 内完成头、颈部MRI+MRA.根据弥散加级成像上梗死灶最大直径分成三组:(1)腔隙组(LI 组,n = 60,病灶直径< 1.5 cm);(2)中等直径梗死组(M 组,n = 60,病灶直径1.5~3 cm);(3)
Background:To compare the efficacy of intravenous (Ⅳ) combination low-dose Tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and urokinase (UK) versus classical IV t-PA or UK alone for acute ischemic stroke (A
目的:静脉rt-PA 溶栓治疗是经循证医学证明缺血性卒中超早期最有效的治疗药物.rt-PA 的疗效有时间依赖性,2013AHA/ASA 急性缺血性卒中早期管理指南要求患者到院至rt-PA 溶栓治疗时间(door-to-needle time,DNT)应控制在60 分钟以内(IA 证据).一个高效有序的急诊溶栓流程有助于减少院内延误.因此,华山医院于2011 年7 月启动了溶栓流程的优化.方法:20
Objective:Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is released from activated platelets.Statins are the commonly used anti-atherosclerotic drug.The purpose of this study is to observe whether atorvastatin could de
目的:脑卒中是目前最常见的危及人类生命的神经系统疾病,是当今第二大死亡原因及首位致残原因.涉及缺血性脑损伤的病理过程非常复杂;包括细胞内Ca2+ 超载、细胞凋亡、炎症反应等多个环节.因此,研究缺血性神经元损伤机制,探索新的治疗靶点将具有重要意义.CD38是一种II 型跨膜糖蛋白.作为一种多功能酶,CD38 能利用NAD+ 作为底物催化合成cADPR,而生成的cADPR 则通过激活调控Ca2+ 释放
目的:分析不同病情糖尿病足感染病原菌分布特点与相应敏感的抗生素,探讨药敏结果前临床经验性抗生素选择.方法:连续选取200例糖尿病足溃疡感染伴微生物培养阳性的病例资料,按照Wagner和感染程度分级,细菌耐药程度分为敏感、中介、耐药,分析足溃疡病情与菌种、细菌耐药性及抗生素的选择.结果:随着糖尿病足溃疡Wagner级别增加及感染程度加重,轻度感染病原菌谱由以革兰氏阳性球菌为主:Wagner 1、2级