Development of Neutron Diagnostic Systems and Preliminary Experimental Results for Fusion Plasmas Di

来源 :中国物理学会2012年秋季学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yyx360
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As the neutron and γ-ray yields in high power takamaks,such as HL-2A and EAST,neutron energy and space distribution measurements will play a important role in thermonuclear fusion experiments to provide useful data on the effectiveness of different plasma heating scenarios and important information,such as the fuel ion temperature and velocity distributions.
A two-dimensional generalized cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation with complex coefficients is used to investigate the evolution of a finite-amplitude localized pulse.The equation takes into account
在托卡马克聚变研究中,等离子体电流主要是由欧姆变压器通过电磁感应的方式来产生和维持的.对于稳态运行的托卡马克装置,由于欧姆变压器的伏秒数有限,通常需要通过辅助加热系统电流驱动来维持所需的等离子体电流[1].电子回旋电流驱动(ECCD)因其功率沉积的局域性及可控性等优点被广泛用于等离子体电流驱动实验中,在建的国际热核聚变实验堆 (ITER) 也计划采用ECCD作为主要的电流驱动手段之一[2][3].
L-mode to H-mode transition (L-H transition) is generally obtained in diverted plasmas when the additional heating power exceeds a threshold power.Intermediate phase (I-phase,which is usually shown wi
The low frequency Alfven waves excited by the energetic-particle can significantly affect the plasma performance.These instabilities will affect alpha particle transport,inducing the fusion energy los
Propagation characteristic of femtosecond terawatt laser pulses in Air with higher-order Kerr effect (HOKE) is investigated.By invoking an averaged-in-time one-dimensional model derived from the propa
Turbulence behavior has been studied in L-H transition and inter-ELM phase on EAST tokamak using microwave reflectometry.A dithering L-H transition with a limit cycle oscillation (LCO) appearing on Dα
The destabilization of shear Alfvén waves (SAWs) associated with the loss of energetic particles generated by neutral beam injection (NBI) has been observed on several tokamaks [1‐5].Since the parti
本文研究了在1 T 磁场下的EAST(先进实验超导托卡马克)螺旋波等离子体稳态放电实验.两种右旋发散型和右旋盘绕发散型天线置于EAST 中心与纵场平行,由13.56 MHz射频电源激发,在射频电源功率1000 W,纵场为1 T,气压(氦气)为0.05-1 Pa 的条件下成功实现了螺旋波等离子体放电.放电阈值功率较低(<100 W)且射频电源与天线间匹配较好(反射功率为零).