Generator Design for XIANG JIA By Hydro Power Plant

来源 :第二届水力发电技术国际会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yun3531
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Xiang Jia Ba hydro power plant,the biggest air cooled hydro generator with an output of 890 MVA will be installed.The machine is designed with a 23 kV stator winding which finally allows an optimized electrical design of the entire machine considering the project specific speed and output. In general,rated voltages above 20 kV offer a new potential for the overall optimization of very large hydro units.The application of such a high voltage requires specific attention during design,the manufacturing,the testing and the installation phases. Alstom has continuously developed the stator winding technology towards increased field strength.Based on the feedback from installed generators and extensive tests in the laboratory the Alstom corona protection system has been confirmed as a reliable technology for voltages above 20 kV.For large,low speed hydro generators such as the units for Xiang Jia Ba project,the structural concept of the stator and rotor,the thrust bearing and the cooling system are of great importance.The 800 MW units incorporate a number of proven Alstom design concepts that have already been successfully implemented in air-cooled hydro generators above 600 MVA such as Longtan,GouPiTan and Xiaowan, and NuoZhaDu.For Xiang Jia Ba a completely air cooled generator has been investigated which reflects today the biggest air-cooled machines in China.Large machines are very sensitive to thermal expansion,centrifugal forces,and forces involved in fault disturbances e.g.short circuits and double earth fault on field windings.The Alstom design concepts,successfully applied on the generator for Three Gorges,are designed to meet requirements like roundness,concentricity and stability of the generator in all conditions and to minimize the impact of the abovementioned forces.The experiences made in the Three Gorges project show that all these requirements are fulfilled by oblique elements and that shrinkage of the rotor rim will not affect the coupling between rotor hub and the thrust block of the thrust bearing.
样板戏“功臣”于会泳曾用手中的笔写下了不少动人的乐章,然而,自从他被江青发现、重用、提拔之后,就开始走上了一条自绝于人民的路……    引起江青注意    于会泳,山东威海人,1946年9月进入胶东军区文工团。1949年9月,被选送到上海音乐学院教育专修班学习。入学不久,于会泳就作为一名既会作词、作曲,又擅导演、主演的“多面手”,引起了院长贺绿汀的注意。  1950年7月,以优异成绩结业的于会泳,
摘 要:以克氏原螯虾为研究对象,分别测定克氏原螯虾熟制前后基本营养成分、可食组织得率的变化,运用电子鼻、固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用、气相色谱-离子迁移谱(gas chromatography ion mobility spectrometry,GC-IMS)等技术结合游离氨基酸含量研究克氏原螯虾不同可食部位风味成分的变化。结果表明:克氏原螯虾的重要可食部位是尾肉与肝胰腺,且含有大量蛋白质与脂肪