
来源 :兰州医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jay12
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胃肠道的周期性运动,早在19世纪中叶就引起学者们的注意,本文不拟论述这一问题的历史过程,仅就小肠周期运动的特征、发生和移行机制等有关问题、结合我们的工作,扼要论述于后。小肠、结肠和胃尾端2/3部位的平滑肌细胞,其膜电位具有周期性的波动,这种波动电位称慢波、基本电节律或起步电位。一些慢波的波动电位使细胞膜的除极超过某一阈电位水平时,就会产生快速发放的电变化,称峰电或快波,并伴发平滑肌收缩。因此峰电仅在每个慢波除极时才能发放,平滑肌的相应位相性收缩的最大节律,与该部位慢波的节律是相同的。但是,并非每个慢波的周期除极,都能使膜电位达到兴奋的阈电位,故许多慢波并不伴有峰电发 The cyclical movement of the gastrointestinal tract has drawn the attention of scholars as early as the middle of the 19th century. This article does not intend to discuss the historical process of this issue. Only on the characteristics, occurrence and transition mechanism of the intestine periodic motility, combined with our Work, briefly discussed in the post. Small intestine, colon and stomach tail 2/3 parts of the smooth muscle cells, the membrane potential has a cyclical fluctuations, this wave potential called slow wave, the basic electrical rhythm or starting potential. Some of the slow wave of the wave potential so that the cell membrane depolarization exceeds a threshold level, it will have rapid release of electrical changes, known as peak or fast wave, and associated with smooth muscle contraction. Therefore, peak currents are only released at each slow-wave depolarization. The maximum rhythm of smoothing corresponding phase shrinkage is the same as the slow wave rhythm of this part. However, not every cycle of a slow wave is depolarized, so that the membrane potential reaches the threshold level of excitement, so many slow waves are not accompanied by peak discharge
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在胃肠道电活动的研究中,最容易记录到的电位变化是慢电位(slow poten-tial)或慢波,动作电位或峰电(actionpotential or spikes)。平滑肌还有一种短暂的电变化称前电位(Prep