Molecular Insight into the Ligand-IgG Interactions for Hydrophobic Charge Induction Chromatography

来源 :The 6th International Conference on Separation and Technolog | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:charse
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  Hydrophobic charge induction chromatography (HCIC) with the mercapto heterocyclic groups as the ligand can effectively separate IgG from a variety of feedstocks.Several parameters contribute to the sorbent properties for IgG capture,such as sulfur atom,spacer arm and pyridine ring [1].Here the molecular simulation methods were used to investigate the interactions between functional ligand and lg(3.Based on our earlier works [2],it was found that MEP ligand (CH3-O-CH2-CH2-CH2-S-CH2-CH2-C5H4N,MEP-AB) could bind stably on the hydrophobic pocket around TYR319 and LEU309 of Fc Chain A at neutral conditions,and departed quickly when the pH lowers to 4.0.In the present work,the effects of sulfur atom,spacer arm and heterocyclic ring on the binding were studied further with 4-mercaptoethyl-pyridine (MEP) as the model ligand.
目的:探究对行生理性海水洗鼻治疗的小儿过敏性鼻炎患儿实施临床护理的效果.方法:随机将 2018 年 5 月至 2019 年 12 月我院 68 例行生理性海水洗鼻治疗的小儿过敏性鼻炎患儿
目的 分析护理干预在普外科患者围术期治疗中应用对患者术后疼痛的影响效果.方法 入组的60例患者均于2017年10月至2019年4月在我院普外科接受手术治疗,将其均分为两组,分组依
1994年 7月~ 1996年 3月 ,对比利时温室岩棉基质和椰壳基质栽培的非洲菊Aurelia采用自由灌水与灌水重复使用等两种方法灌溉。结果表明 ,各种处理的花枝数量和花径均无明显差异。相对
目的 探讨舒芬太尼联用右美托咪定在老年下肢骨折手术维持麻醉中的应用效果.方法 选取2013年1月~2018年12月我院的50例老年下肢骨折手术患者,随机分为两组.对照组使用舒芬太尼
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