来源 :第三届非线性力学最新进展国际会议Third International Conference on Recent Adv | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ggep123
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  Cochlear is one of the most remarkable components in human body, able to discerna wide range of frequencies from dozens to thousands of Hertz.Sound waves propagate along basilar membrane (BM), which separates the fluid-filled spiral cochlea into upper and lower ducts.On the BM, wave amplitude at each frequency reaches a peak at different position.The BM decomposes sounds as a natural Fourier analyzer, which is well-known in the published experimental results, but the theoretical explanation has remained elusive.By applying the finite difference method, this paper analyses the effect of the height of cochlea duct and stiffness of basilar membrane on frequency dispersion characteristics of basilar membrane in cochlear.This study may be useful for studying the evolution of mammalian hearing and for clinical treatment of deafness.
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