Shipboard Measurement of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate(PAN)in the Yellow Sea

来源 :第21届中国大气环境科学与技术大会暨中国环境科学学会大气环境分会2015年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longwayli
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  Peroxyacetyl nitrate(PAN),O3,CO,NOx,and PM10 mass,the number of fine particles larger than 3nm and 10 nm were measured onboard the RV Gisang 1 in the Yellow Sea during Nov 17th~26th,2014 and Apr 9th~May6th,2015.PAN was determined every 2 minutes by a fast chromatograph coupled with luminol chemiluminescence.Gaseous species including O3,NOx,and CO were analyzed every 1 minute(49C,42C and 48C,Thermo ElectronCorporation,Franklin,MA,USA).The mean concentrations of PM10 and the number concentrations were analyzedevery 5 minute(FH62C14,Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.),every 1 second(CPC3772,CPC3776,TSI),respectively.PAN mixing ratios ranged from the detection limit of 0.03 ppbv up to 3.38 ppbv with a mean of 0.15 ppbv in April,0.09 ppbv in May,and 0.50 ppbv in November.The mean concentrations of O3,CO and NOx were 51.8,370 and 5.51ppbv in April,48.4,568 and 3.0 ppbv in May,and 38.3,334 and 8.1 ppbv in November.While O3 concentrations were higher over the sea particularly at lower latitudes,other species were elevated near thecoastal regions.In the Yellow Sea,however,PAN and NOx were often elevated for a short period time,which was notassociated with increase in O3.Particularly,higher concentrations of PAN were observed when O3/NOx ratio was low butCO/NOx ratio was relatively high compared to those of observed in Seoul metropolitan areas.The enhanced PAN levelpossibly indicates the influence of ship emissions in the Yellow Sea.
随着我国经济的快速发展,我国以细颗粒物(PM2.5)为特征的区域性复合大气污染日益严重,PM2.5 会对人体心脏、肺和呼吸道造成严重损害,也会给我国带了严重的经济损失.我国能源消费结构以煤炭为主,2012 年我国煤炭消费总量约35.2 亿吨,占世界煤炭总消费量的50%左右,其中用于燃煤电厂发电的占到52.8%.据测算,2012 年我国燃煤电厂排放颗粒物151.06 万吨,占全国工业总排放的15.8
目前,中国大气区域污染问题突出,许多城市环境空气臭氧和PM2.5 都超过《环境空气质量标准》(GB3095-2012).大气挥发性有机物(VOCs)作为臭氧(O3)和二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的重要气体物,研究其污染现状将有助于改善臭氧和PM2.5 污染.天津、嘉兴和辽中环境空气VOCs 数据为作者实测半小时在线数据,其余城市环境空气VOCs 数据来自文献调研.本文研究的VOCs 种类包括烷烃、芳香
利用中国气象局广州番禺大气成分站(简称南村站,NC,113°21′E,22°32′N)、深圳气象局竹子林站(ZZL,114°03′E,22°32′N)以及西涌站(XC,114°33′E,22°29′N)的高时间分辨率的MARGA 数据,研究分析了珠江三角洲(以下简称珠三角)地区PM2.5 水溶性成分的分布特征.研究表明二次离子(SO42-、NO3-、NH4+)是PM2.5 水溶性成分的最主要成分,
本文根据2014 年10 月珠江三角洲中西部大气边界层观测资料,研究了大气边界层结构对空气质量的影响.并对比分析了郊区下垫面的南海与城市下垫面的顺德的大气边界层特点.研究得到如下结论:1.冷空气期间大风有利于污染物清除.冷空气过后回暖期易出现污染现象,回暖期持续小风静风有利于污染物堆积.持续性的强降水过程可以有效清洁大气,快速改善空气质量.珠江三角洲常常受到高压脊控制,脊内回流,风速偏小,污染物输
颗粒物的吸湿特性是影响光学性质和直接辐射强迫最关键的参数之一,为了研究珠三角地区相对湿度对气溶胶光学性质的影响,本文基于广州番禺大气成分站2014年2月~3月观测期间使用吸湿性双电迁移性分析仪(Hygroscopic Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer,H-TDMA)测量得到的吸湿增长因子(Growth facter,Gf),结合干状态下气溶胶的粒子谱分布,
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