There is growing concern in China with the Quality of Life (QOL) in cities and regions.Ongoing CAUPD research is scaled to municipal boundaries.But what of the finer grain of cities?Following a critique of Western approaches to QOL research,this paper proposes a bottom-up approach for reporting on the actual QOL at the micro-scale of urban neighborhoods in China.The basic idea is to use the existing organizational infrastructure of shequ Residents Committees for systematically collecting information on the conditions,problems,performance,and future priorities for improvement concerning a range of local QOL domains.In line with this proposal,narrative reports will be prepared on an annual basis, thus initiating a people-centered deliberative planning process that will be articulated with Street Offices and District Governments.Some benefits of this proposal are identified.In an appendix, Chen Fang reflects on a case study of neighborhood planning in the municipality of Ningbo.