The protective role of overexpressing MUC5AC in MHV-68 induced combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphy

来源 :2016中华医学会呼吸病学年会暨第十七次全国呼吸病学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:owenyhz
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  目的 Mucins have long been regarded as exerting a role as a barrier to prevent mucosal infection but some data supporting overexpressed mucins induced airways obstruction and inflammation.We wonder if increased MUC5AC secretion provided benefit against murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) and MHV-68 induced pulmonary fibrosis.Firstly, we develop a combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) murine model by tracheal instillation of MHV-68 in long time cigarette smokeinduced old male emphysema mice.Then, an MUC5AC-overexpressing mouse model will be generated to understand whether increased MUC5AC secretion add protection against MHV-68 in CPFE murine model or induce airways obstruction and inflammation.方法 Firstly, Experimental mice were randomly divided into three groups: group A (normal control group, n=6), group B (emphysema group, passive cigarette smoking for 1 hour twice everyday for 13 months, 0.1 ml PBS by tracheal instillation on day 361, n=6), group C (emphysema + MHV-68 group, 1×105 plaque forming units of MHV-68 in 0.1 ml PBS by tracheal instillation on day 361, n=24), and the group C were further divided into four groups: group C1 (sacrificed on day 367, on day 7 after MHV-68 tracheal instillation, n=6); group C2 (sacrificed on day 374, on day 14 after MHV-68 tracheal instillation, n=6); group C3 (sacrificed on day 381, on day 21 after MHV-68 tracheal instillation, n=6); group C4 (sacrificed on day 388, on day 28 after MHV-68 tracheal instillation, n=6).Group A and B were sacrificed on day 388.The bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and lung specimens were collected. Secondly, another group of experimental mice were randomly divided into five groups: normal control group; pcDNA3.1 control group; pcDNA3.1-MUC5AC group; CPFE group; pcDNA3.1-MUC5AC+CPFE group.Morphometric analysis of each group was investigated by hematoxylin and eosin staining, and masson trichrome staining.MHV-68 gp150 mRNA was detected by real-time PCR.MUC5AC levels in lung tissues were analyzed by immunohistochemical staining, real-time PCR and western blotting.The airway inflammations were determined by differential cell counts of broncho - alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and measurement of cytokines and chemokines in BALF with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.结果 Conspicuous broken and merged alveolar walls and enlarged cavities of alveoli were observed in Emphysema + MHV-68 group.Emphysema + MHV-68 group mice showed developed severe pneumonitis with collagen deposition indicated by blue staining which persisted as a patchy interstitial fibrosis.The inflammation and fibrosis were detectable in the day-7 subgroup and reached a peak in the day-28 subgroup.Significantly increased levels of inflammatory cells and MHV-68 gp150 mRNA were found in emphysema + MHV-68 group in BALF and lung tissue respectively.MUC5AC hypersecretion alone was not sufficient to cause obvious mucus plugging, drive goblet cell metaplasia and airway inflammation.However, MUC5AC overexpression serves as a protective barrier against MHV-68 virus infection in vivo.Infectivity of MHV-68 was decreased in pcDNA3.1-MUC5AC+CPFE group compared with CPFE group.Meanwhile, a diminution of MHV-68 virus attenuated the expression of CCL2, CXCL5, IL-13 and TGF-β1, and weakened airway inflammation and fibrosis in pcDNA3.1-MUC5AC+CPFE group.结论 MHV-68 could induce long time cigarette smoke-induced old male emphysema mice developed into CPFE mice model.Increased MUC5AC appears to exhibit a protective role against MHV-68 infection during emphysema mice developed into CPFE mice and further weakens airway inflammation and fibrosis induced by MHV-68 by decreasing the expression of CCL2, CXCL5, IL-13 and TGF-β1.
目的:根据已有研究基础,探索“点对点”穿刺的标本,其三维动脉自旋回波成像(3D-Arterial spin labeling,3D-ASL)的CBF值与微血管密度(Microvascular Density,MVD)之间是否存在相关性,验证3D-ASL的CBF值是否适合反映胶质瘤的MVD.方法:41例胶质瘤,神经导航系统引导下进行“点对点”穿刺,共获得穿刺标本84个.提取磁共振扫描系坐标,设定穿刺
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