Alterations in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration and vimentin in endothelial cells following tumo

来源 :第二届世界天然药物和传统药物药理学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lalalan
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  AIM Interactions of tumor cells with endothelial cells (EC), for example tumor cell adhesion and migration through the EC layer, are essential components of tumor metastasis.Intracellular calcium regulation and cytoskeletal proteins in both tumor cells and EC provide important signaling mechanisms for the growth, angiogenesis and metastasis of tumor cells.In the present study,we investigated the influence of tumor cell-EC interactions on the intracellular calcium ion concentration ([Ca2+] i) and vimentin in EC.METHODS [Ca2 +] i was measured by confocal microscopy in human umbilical vein endothehal cells (HUVEC) before and after the addition of PC-3M prostate carcinoma cells.The expression and structural organization of vimentin in HUVEC was analyzed by immunofluorescence assays.The effect of heparin and nifidipine on EC [Ca2+]i and vimentin were investigated.Acrylamide, a known disruptor of intermediate filaments, was used to induce the collapse of vimentin filaments, and the distribution of calcium ions in ECs was determined.RESULTS PC-3M cells induced a rapid [Ca2+]i elevation and lead to altered vimentin distribution in EC at the sites of tumor cell-EC contact.Tumor cell-induced [Ca2 +] i elevation was significantly inhibited by heparin and nifidipine; however,heparin and nifidipine had no obvious effects on the expression and organization of vimentin.Acrylamide-induced collapse of vimentin filaments shifted the distribution of calcium ions from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and perinuclear field in EC.CONCLUSION Rapid [Ca2 +] i elevation and alterations in vimentin distribution occur in EC at the sites of tumor cell-EC contact; the structural integrity of vimentin is partly related to the intracellular calcium ion distribution and concentration.
一是健脑利智 鸡蛋黄中的卵磷脂、甘油三脂、胆固醇和卵黄素,对神经系统和身体发育有很大作用。要保持良好记忆力,每天可吃两个鸡蛋。 二是保护肝脏 鸡蛋中的蛋白质对肝脏组
孩子一咳嗽就快快止咳,看似咳嗽止住了,其实并不利于病情的治疗和恢复。    秋天天气开始转凉,加上气候干燥,咳嗽的孩子也多了起来。于是,咳嗽药便出现在了家长的“热门搜索”词条当中。    咳嗽药的类型    中枢镇咳药:是通过抑制延髓中的咳嗽中枢起到迅速止咳的作用。中枢镇咳药又可细分为麻醉性和非麻醉性两类。麻醉性镇咳药含有磷酸可待因和盐酸麻黄素成分,如小儿联邦止咳露、小儿联邦泰洛其、菲迪克等。该类
  AIM To create a novel mouse model of combined hyperlipidemia using a modeling agent (MA) made of a mixture of schisandrin B, cholesterol and bile salt (1,2