Tri-stability in a Pendula Chain

来源 :International Conference Nonlinear Waves-Theory and Applicat | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jsdhxmb
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  In this poster different Stationary states of boundary driven coupled pendula chain has been investigated experimentally, numerically and analytically.The analytical treatment is based on the boundary driven sine-Gordon equation and it is found that for the same driving force three completely different regimes coexist:Besides two regimes discovered earlier [1-4] (first one is the small oscillations with exponentially decaying amplitude and the second one is a breather like solution which has an oscillation amplitude maximum at the end of the chain) there exists a third regime corresponding to the kink motion in the restricted geometry of the chain.The analytical solutions are compared with the numerical simulations on the associated Frenkel-Kontorova model and finally confirmed by direct laboratory experiments.It is proposed to extend these studies to the realistic physical systems which are governed by the same sine-Gordon equation.
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一个享受国务院特殊津贴的高级农艺师,一个以引进红富士第一人而声名远扬的奋斗者,一个在传统的水果产地不息奔走传经送宝的王者,选择贵州那片陌生的高原大地,意味着一切的一切都得从头开始,弄不好也许会因此葬送一世功名。  几番权衡,王金玉还是毅然来到贵州,挑战那陌生的未知,开始了生命的又一次冲锋。5年过去,一切都默默无闻,只是山野间压满枝头的累累硕果,缓缓地释放着这个山东汉子成功的幸福,让他更加难以舍弃的