miRNAs involved in Tau expression of BMSCs induced neurons

来源 :中国神经科学学会第九届全国学术会议暨第五届会员代表大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mathayus0422
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  Objectve miRNAs function as post-transcriptional regulators, leading to translation repression and gene silencing.When bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) are induced to differentiate into neurons, protein Tau shows significant increase.Our hypothesis is that miRNAs might be involved in neural differentiation through regulation of Tau expression.So, the aim of the study is to screen and identify the possible miRNAs involved in Tau expression during the neuronal induction of BMSCs.Methods Neurons were induced from BMSCs by chemical induction method (DMSO+BHA), and neuron markers NSE and Tau were confirmed by immunohistochemistry and Western blot.Then total RNA abstracted from both BMSCs and the neurons were screened by miRNAs Arrays for the ones with discrepancy.Real-time PCR was subsequently used to confirm the variance of miRNAs, and the enhanced expression of Tau (MAPT).Result (1) BMSCs was induced to express NES and Tau; (2) After the neural differentiation, miRNA array showed 16 miRNAs decreased (>1.5 fold), while 14 miRNAs increased significantly.(3) miR-291a-5p and miR-294, which had been shown to be involved in Tau expression was among the decreased miRNAs, (4) decrease of miR-291a-5p and miR-294 level was confirmed by real-time PCR.Counclusion miR-291a-5p, miR-294 may involve in neural differentiation from BMSCs by regulating Tau expression directly or indirectly.
《黄帝内经》的原文是:是以志闲而少欲。先讲一下“志”。“志”有两个意思,一个是指对过去的回忆,比如,写日记叫日志,每个县有县志,航海有航海日志,就是记载过去发生的事情。“志”的另外一个意思是往前走,就是志向。我们要从小树立远大的志向,要立大志,这个志就是说你将来要干什么。  古代智慧的人教育我们怎么对待这个志呢?志闲。什么叫闲?不太较真,不太认真,不必把这些事过度放在心上。也就是说,你对过去已经发
  Objective Geranylgeranyltransferase Ⅰ (GGT Ⅰ) is a prenyltransferase that mediates lipid modification of Rho small GTPases such as Rho, Rac, Cdc42.Due to