Reliability Analysis of PC Rigid Frame Bridge under Construction Based on Support Vector Machine

来源 :2017年世界交通运输大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sisi_g
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  In the construction process of prestressed concrete rigid frame bridge,due to the influence of environment,temperature,load,material time-varying effect and other factors,the precise control of the linear and internal force of the bridge has great uncertainty,and the calculation method based on the prestressed concrete was put forward.Taking 180m long span continuous rigid frame bridge as support project,the finite element calculation model was established,and the rationality of calculating concrete reliability by support vector machine was demonstrated.In the construction stage of rigid frame bridge,by selecting the volume density of concrete,the modulus of elasticity of concrete,tensile stress and modulus of elasticity of prestressed steel strands as the main factors that affect the reliability analysis of the construction stage,and calculating the allowable value of the different deflection deviations of the maximum cantilever height control and the change of the parameters of the machine,it is concluded that the maximum allowable deflection deviation of the maximum cantilever stage of the rigid frame bridge is not more than 20mm.
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