A combined strategy of mass fragmentation,post-column cobalt complexation and shift in ultraviolet a

来源 :2016年广东省药师周大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:albeewang
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  The use of dietary flavones is becoming increasingly popular for their prevention of cancers,cardiovascular diseases,and other diseases.Despite many pharmacokinetic studies on flavone mixtures,the position(s)of glucuronidation sites on the flavone skeleton in vivo remain(s)uncertain because of the lack of a convenient method to differentiate the isomers in biological samples.Accordingly,this study aimed to develop a new strategy to identify the position of the mono-O-glucuronide of flavones in vivo and to simultaneously determine the parent agent and its major metabolites responsible for complex pharmacokinetic characteristics.The novel strategy involves accurate mass measurements of flavone glucuronides,their [Co(II)(flavone glucuronide-H)(4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline)2 ]+complexes generated via the post-column addition of CoBr2 and 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline,and their mass spectrometric fragmentation by UPLC-DAD-Q-TOF and the comparison of retention times with biosynthesized standards of different isomers that were identified by analyzing the shift in UV spectra compared with the spectra of their respective aglycones.We successfully generated a metabolite profiling of flavones in rat plasma after oral administration of a flavone mixture from Dracocephalum moldavica L.,which was used here as the model to demonstrate the strategy.Twelve flavone glucuronides,which were glucuronidated derivatives of acacetin,apigenin,luteolin,diosmetin,chrysoeriol and cirsimaritin,were detected and identified.Glucuronidation of the flavone skeleton at the 3-/7-position was more prevalent,however,luteolin 4-glucuronide levels exceeded luteolin 7-glucuronide levels.Based on the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase(UGT)metabolism profiling of flavones in rat plasma,six main compounds(tilianin,acacetin 7-glucuronide,apigenin 7-glucuronide,luteolin 3-glucuronide,acacetin,and apigenin)were selected as pharmacokinetic markers.Pharmacokinetic results indicated that their maximal concentrations in blood were obtained within 0.4 h,except for the concentration of luteolin 3-glucronide(approximately 9 h).Rat exposure was practically non-linear under the studied dosages(200 to 400 mg/kg).
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目的:总结近年来髌股关节炎的中西医非手术治疗的研究进展。方法:由第一作者检索中国知网、万方医学数据库和PubMed数据库有关髌股关节炎治疗方法的文献,关键词为髌股关节炎(Patellofemoral arthritis)、髌股关节骨关节炎(Patellofemoral osteoarthritis)、髌股关节疼痛综合症(Patellofemoralpain syndrome)和治疗(treatme
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目的 比较前交叉韧带重建术后不同康复训练方法的临床疗效方法 2012年9月至2014年9月,收治240例前交叉韧带损伤患者,年龄19~36岁,平均24岁;男110例,女性130例;左膝99例,右膝141例;患者均为前交叉韧带损伤后10天之内就诊,篮球运动损伤83例,足球运动损伤75例,羽毛球运动损伤76例,摔伤6例。常规行x-线片、CT和MRI检查,查体抽屉试验、lachman试验均为阳性。所有患
目的 探讨膝关节镜下可吸收缝线隐藏式缝合治疗前交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折的疗效.方法 2013年2月~2014年2月,对18例前交叉韧带胫骨止点撕脱骨折(Meyers/McKeever分型,II型10例,III型8例)在关节镜下应用可吸收缝线隐藏式缝合骨折块.结果 术后X线示所有骨折复位满意.18例随访3~12个月,平均6个月.术后3个月X线片示骨折均愈合,18例前抽屉试验、lachman试验查体均