Forest Applications with Satellite and Airborne Radar

来源 :IET International Radar Conference 2013(2013年IET国际雷达会议) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hifithink
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  In order to monitor the forest resources and environment of the planet,it is necessary to use remote sensing from multiple sensors and integrate these data with historical information contained within geographical information systems (GIS).Multiple sensors are required to identify attributes of interest.In forestry,resource managers want to know the amount of the resource by species,area,timber volume,etc.,the spatial distribution,the health (chemistry) of the forests,and the temporal changes of the resource,both past and predicted for the future.The radar and hyperspectral technologies are used to create information systems to support resource and environmental management.In this tutorial we explore radar methods and systems to obtain valuable forest information,such as current and historical fire scars,harvesting patterns,forest typing,and biomass.When combined with species information,we can also create maps of above-ground carbon.Radars provide all-weather monitoring capability vital for detecting illegal harvesting.National and global monitoring requires integrated systems for distributed data management.These systems require multiple frequencies,polarization,multiple angles,interferometry and polarimetry.We will discuss the operational requirements for effective radar monitoring of forests.Examples of work for forest applications will be presented.
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