The cartographic analysis of soil cover spatial organization of the urban areas

来源 :第四届城市、工业、交通和矿山土壤国际会议(The 4th International Conference on Sol | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fy863
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  Urbanization and industrialization significantly and often irreversibly change the natural environment and result in greatly differ soil cover of Megapolises from surrounding territory.Its result is not only formation of special types of soils and parent materials but it also changes soils contour line configuration.Urban soil mapping needs special technical approaches because of great heterogeneity of soil cover (space-qualitative differentiation of soils combination in areas).These technical approaches are determinate not only by scale and researching task but also by land use type (residential areas,industrial zones,cities nature reserves ect.).In urban areas a landscape indication of soils and so preliminary construction of probabilistic models of soil-landscape relationships are often impossible.Use of historical maps as well as remote sensing data is necessary for solving this problem.Soils diversities of urban areas depend on different types of impacts such as agricultural,proper urban and technological,accordingly there are three variants of human-modified soils forming:(i) arable soils (for example Antrie Albeluvisols),(ii) special urban soils (Urbanozems),(iii) technogenic soil-like human-made bodies (Thechnozems).The cartographic analysis of soil cover of urban areas of Moscow city has been done.Cartographic indices and morphometric parameters has been calculated.Regularities of soil cover composition and the rate of soil cover components have been discovered for different land use types of urban areas.Qualitative differentiation (degree of soils properties distinction or taxonomic position) of urban soils increases because of formation of various human-produced parent materials (different mixes of natural soils horizons with technogenic materials such as slag and mine spoils or debris and municipal wastes; bodies of the town dumps ect.).The most part of city territory is occupied by strongly altered soils (Urbanozems),weakly developed soils (Regosols) and soil-like bodies (Thechnozems).Natural and weakly altered soils (for Moscow it is about 10% of territory) occur in municipal forests and parks.Peculiarity of urban soils cover depends on city development history.In urban territory soils and soil-like bodies are frequently surrounded by non-soil objects (foundations; services; roads and streets; filled substrates; soils,covered by layer of asphalt or concrete ect.).As a result soil cover of cities is discontinuous and small-outline.Soils maps of urban areas differ from soils maps of natural territories by morphometric parameters.Configuration of soils contours has sharp comers,often similar to a simple geometrical figure,borders are artificial and they are determined by non-soil objects positions.Taxonomic positions of soils which were combined into one contour,its ratio and morphometric parameters are determined by land use type of territory.In a line of"residential areas-industrial zones-city nature reserves" following regularities have been discovered:(i)soils area increases on the contrary areas of filled substrates decreases; (ii) mean area of soils contour increases; (iii) coefficient of dissection increases; (iv) amount of soils contours per square meter is reduced.
  Since the outset of industrialization and urbanization,humans have increasingly consumed natural resources,and thus also soil,in an unsustainable manner.Sin
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