Thyrotropin-releasing hormone excited preganglionic inspiratory tracheal vagal motoneurones via mult

来源 :中国神经科学学会第九届全国学术会议暨第五届会员代表大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mumuww
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  The inspiratorily activated preganglionic tracheobronchial vagal motoneurones (I-TVMs) in the nucleus ambiguus, which predominate in the central control of the tracheobronchial smooth muscles, receive dense inputs from terminals containing thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH).TRH microinjection into the nucleus ambiguus caused constriction of the tracheal smooth muscles however the neuronal and synaptic mechanisms are unknown.In this study, the I-TVMs were retrogradedly labeled from the extrathoracic trachea of newborn rats, identified in rhythmically firing brainstem slices, and the effects of TRH were examined using patch-clamp.Under voltage clamp TRH (100 nmol L-1) caused a slow excitatory inward current, enhanced the excitatory inputs and evoked a distinct oscillatory pattern of the baseline current.The slow excitatory inward current and the oscillatory pattern were unaffected by blockade of chemical synapses.Gap junction blocker carbenoxolone (100 μmol L-1) prevented the oscillatory pattern without affecting the slow excitatory inward current and the enhancement of the excitatory inputs.Tetrodotoxin (1 μmol L-1), a blocker of both the voltage-dependent sodium transient and persistent sodium current, riluzole (20 μmol L-1), a blocker of the persistent the sodium current, and cadmium chloride (200 μmol L-1), a non-selective blocker of the voltage-dependent calcium channels, each blocked a major proportion of the slow excitatory inward current and prevented the oscillatory pattern.Under current clamp TRH caused a slow depolarization and continuous or oscillatory firing.These results demonstrate that TRH excited the I-TVMs presynaptically via enhancement of the excitatory inputs, and postsynaptically via a slow excitatory inward current and a gap junction-mediated oscillatory pattern.
杨崇媛 1955年生,湖南永顺县人,土家族,中共党员,特级教师。1974年起从事教育工作,先后在湘西自治区永顺县王村镇孔坪村小、王村镇一完小担任教师。1991年担任王村一小副校
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