This talk presents a recently developed discretization technique that naturally comes with an efficient direct solver for time-harmonic scattering problems where there is a bounded region in which the
Secret sharing realizes splitting of the data into pieces(called "shares")among a set of parties such that only designated subsets of them can reconstruct it.
In this talk we will present a general framework for the design and analysis of multigrid methods for saddle point problems arising from mixed finite element discretizations of elliptic boundary value
We consider the linear Biots model in poroelasticity discretized with nonconforming linear elements for the displacement field and piece-wise constant elements for the pressure field.
In this report,we proposed a partially penalty immersed interface finite element(PIFE)method for second order elliptic interface problem with non-homogeneous interface jump conditions.
In this talk we will investigate a novel suboptimal method for nonlinear filtering by augmenting the original states with its probabilists Hermite polynomials.