Familial gigantiform cementoma

来源 :11th Asian Congress on Oeal and Maxillofacial Surgery(第十一届亚洲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mdjpos01
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Objective: The purpose of this study is to describe the clinical characteristics of Familial gigantiform cementoma(FGC) in a Chinese family with multiple-affected members.Methods: Detail screening was conducted on family members of a 13-year-old Chinese male with recent pathologically proven FGC.All 33 family members of the patient were interviewed.Demographic, past medical and surgical histories were collected from 13 family members with history of FGC diagnosis.Clinical information related to the lesions (symptom, age of onset, history of treatment, histological and radiological findings) was obtained.Literature review was also presented in this study.
帕金森病(Parkinsons disease)是中老年人中常见的中枢神经系统疾病,由英国医师James Parkinson于1817年最先描述.本病的研究已有190多年的历史,但其病因和发病机制十分复杂,至今仍未明确.其中铁在PD患者黑质(substantia nigra,SN)中沉积的现象被发现已有80多年的历史,并且引起广泛的关注.多数学者认为铁超载可能是PD的损伤机制之一,但其确切的机制目
目的:研究酸敏感离子通道1a(acid-sensing ion channel 1a,ASIC1a)在多巴胺能神经元的分布及其对多巴胺(Dopamine,DA)释放的调节,探讨ASIC1a在帕金森病(Parkinsons disease,PD)发病中的作用机制.材料和方法:MES 23.5细胞为研究对象,免疫荧光观察细胞内TH和ASIC1a的表达共定位;全细胞膜片钳检测ASIC1a电流变化;高效液
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