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湖南零陵地处湘南,毗邻两广,历史悠久,交通便捷,盛产稻米,是全国粮食生产大县(区)和重点商品粮基地,全区常年粮食播种面积达73万亩,年粮食产量50万吨以上。近年来,党的支农惠农政策帮助种粮农民彻底告别以粮抵税和交粮义务,农民卖粮成为纯商品销售行为,尤其是粮食市场化改革的加速推进,促成粮食经纪人应运而生,粮食经纪活动蓬勃发展。在粮食经纪人发展的新形势下,零陵区粮食局认真落实上级关于“大力培育发展粮食经纪人”的工作部署,充分发挥协会的中介和服务作用,精心指 Hunan Lingling is located in southern Hunan, adjacent to Guangdong and Guangxi, has a long history and convenient transportation and is rich in rice. It is a large grain production county (region) and key commodity grain base in the country. The annual grain sown area of ​​the whole area reaches 730,000 mu and the annual grain output is 500,000 tons the above. In recent years, the party’s policy of supporting agriculture and benefiting farmers has helped farewell farmers to bid farewell to their duty of paying duty on grain and paying their grain. Peasants selling grain become pure commodity sales. In particular, the accelerated reform of marketization of grain has led grain brokers to move forward Students and food brokers are booming. Under the new situation of the development of food brokers, the Grain Bureau of Lingling District earnestly implemented the work arrangements of its superiors regarding “vigorously cultivating and developing food brokers”, giving full play to the intermediary and service functions of the association, and carefully