Ab initio calculation of alpha-alpha scattering

来源 :SINAP-CUSTIPEN Workshop on Clusters and Correlations in Nucl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hero18
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Outline Lattice chiral effective field theory Adiabatic projection method 4He+4He→4He+4He Summary and outlook Chiral Chiral effective field theory Construct the effective potential order by order
Introduction/motivations Symmetry energy coefficients from nuclear masses Properties of nuclear matter in liquid-drop models Shell gaps in unmeasured mass regio
Charge Symmetry & Charge Invariance Charge symmetry:invariance of nuclear interactions under n (←→) p interchange An isoscalar quantity F does not change unde
Contents Introduction Multi-Dimensionally Constrained CDFTs MDC-CDFTs applied to normal nuclei 1-,2-,& 3-dim PES of 240Pu & fission barriers of actinides Superd
Nuclear theory:guiding principles The quest for the mean field Motivation microscopic shell-model description of (super)heavy nuclei
Spin-orbit potential and magic number Spin-orbit potential at low- and high-energy HIC Spin related experiments
目录 1 EOS at HIRFL-CSR,an overview →Esym(ρ) at supra-saturation density →World trend 2 CEE R&D →Design →R&D for tracking detectors,MWDC 3 Summary
Outline Ⅰ.Nuclear forces,Renormalizations (induced correlations) Ⅱ.N3LO (LQCD)→ MBPT,BHF,GSM (resonance + continuum) Ⅲ.Gogny-Force Shell Model with a densit
Subjects to be discussed-Cluster structure in 10Be A candidate for a linear structure in 14C A possible new domain,correlated statistical emission:2 proton emis
Outline 1.Motivation 2.Methods 3.Results 3.1 Results-measured results by NIMROD 3.2 Results-simulated reactions by AMD 4.Summary
Outline 1.Introduction 2.Theoretical models 3.Production cross sections of 119 and 120 4.Recent results for large mass (charge) transfer reaction and reaction i