Convergence of cerebellar fastigial nuclear inputs and feeding-related signals on neurons of ventrom

来源 :中国神经科学学会第九届全国学术会议暨第五届会员代表大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvbocai
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  The ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMN) has traditionally been implicated in feeding behavior, energy balance, and body weight regulation.Previous studies have indicated that neurons in the VMN receive feeding-related signals from the gatric vagal nerves and blood glucose.And ghrelin, a peptide primarily produced in the stomach, stimulates both feeding and growth hormone secretion.Intriguingly, the cerebellum participates in regulating nonsomatic visceral activities including food intake via the direct cerebellohypothatamic projections.The present study was designed to investigate, by using extracellular recordings in vivo in rats, whether the cerebellar fastigial nucleus could reach and converge with the feeding-related gastric vagal, glycemia and ghrelin signals onto single VMN neurons.Of the 105 VMN neurons recorded, 42 (42/105, 40%) and 63 (63/105, 60%) responded to the eerebellar FN and the gastric vagal stimulations, respectively.Within the VMN neurons that were responsive to either of the cerebellar FN or gastric vagal stimulation, 30 responded to both of the stimuli, suggesting a convergence of cerebellar FN and gastic vagal inputs on the VMN cells.Moreover, a summation of responses was observed (n =5) when the cerebellar FN and gastric vagal nerve were simultaneously stimulated.Among the 12 VMN neurons receiving convergent inputs from the cerebellar FN and gastric vagal nerves, 8 (66.7%) cells also responded to the systemic administrations of glucose and ghrelin.These results demonstrated that the somatic information forwarded by the cerebellar FN, together with the feeding signals from the gastric vagal nerves, blood glucose as well as ghrelin, converge onto single VMN neurons, suggesting that a somatic-visceral integration related to the feeding may occur in the VMN and the cerebellum may actively participate in the feeding regulation through the cerebellar FN-VMN projections.
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