
来源 :劳动医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dlxfmc
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近20年来,国外对家具等木材加工行业工人中恶性肿瘤发病率增多的报道甚多。国际劳工组织已把制作木质家具行业引起的副鼻窦癌列为职业病,但在国内尚未见报道。为了保护工人健康,我站配合省劳动卫生职业病研究所对我县木雕厂——工艺一厂,接触纯木粉工人的恶性肿瘤死亡情况进行回顾性调查。现报告如下: 对象与方法 从1970,1,1~1981,12,31止,通过调查历年的工资册。凡在厂职工接触纯木粉(无毒物及其他粉尘接触史)一年以上,即列为调查对象;凡退休、离休、死亡者列为追访对象,由调查医务人员逐个询问工人,填写卡片。死亡者由家属或知情者提供情况;对患恶性肿瘤死亡者并到就诊医疗单位摘抄病历,核实诊断。在该厂所在地,选不接触明显致癌物或毒 In the past two decades, there have been many reports of an increase in the incidence of malignant tumors among foreign workers in the wood processing industries such as furniture. The International Labor Organization has classified paranasal sinus cancers caused by the wood furniture industry as occupational diseases, but it has not been reported in China yet. In order to protect the health of workers, I station with the provincial Institute of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases of wooden carving factory in our county - a process plant, contact with pure wood workers in the mortality of malignant tumors were retrospectively investigated. Now report as follows: objects and methods from 1970,1,1 ~ 1981,12,31 only, through the investigation of the calendar year salary book. Where the factory workers contact with pure wood flour (non-toxic and other dust exposure history) for more than one year, that is included in the survey; Where retirement, retired, died were classified as the object of investigation by the investigation of medical staff one by one to ask workers, fill in the card . The dead are provided by family members or insiders; the medical records of the patients who have died of cancer and who come to the medical unit for medical examination and verify the diagnosis. The location of the plant, choose not to contact with obvious carcinogens or poisonous
“我一直试图探讨生活在现代社会中的人的底线伦理学。底线伦理即每一个社会成员自觉遵 守最低限度的道德规范。雨果说,做一个圣人,那是特殊情形;做一个正直的人,那是为人 的常轨
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