Transcriptome and proteome profiling of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) gynophores response to early ge

来源 :The Sixth International Conference of the Peanut Research Co | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qlp9463
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Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) produces flowers aerially, but the fruit develops underground.This process is mediated by the gynophore, which always grows vertically downwards.The genetic basis underlying gravitropic bending of gynophores is barely understood.
白簕(Acanthopanax trifoliatus (Linn.) Merr.),义称簕菜、榄树菜、三加皮、三叶五加、鹅掌筋、勒菜等,属五加科五加属灌木植物.据《广东中药志》"记载,白簕能清热解毒,活血祛癖,祛风消肿,用于目赤肿痛,外用治跌打损伤,乳痈等,白簕性味淡、寒,有小毒.近年来,在恩平等地开展了较大面积的人工种植和开发利用,但对白簕的毒理学研究报道尚少,本实验以野生蔬菜白筋为材料,开展
2011~2013年度,在山东省青岛市青岛农业大学胶州科技示范园(36°0YN, 120°07′E)进行了冬小麦滴灌灌溉试验,研究了不同滴管铺管间距对冬小麦产量及磨粉品质、糊化特性、面团流变学特性等的影响.试验地气候属于暖温带季风气候,年平均气温11~14℃,年平均降水量662.1 mm,小麦全生育期降雨量约占总体33.2%.供试品种为青麦7号,播种量为112.5 kg/hm2.试验为滴灌管铺管方
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