Turning Wastes into Resources, by Neutron Capture Transmutation of Radioactive Wastes

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiangqiuli8609
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  1.Advanced ORIENT Cycle Under the Adv.-ORIENT Cycle concept where spent nuclear fuel is recognized as artificial vein of ore, separation and utilization researches have been carried out for rare metal fission products and all of the actinides.In the concept, REs, from 4f/5f separation, were nothing radioactive wastes but be the secondary resources.Tertiary pyridine resin (TPR), composing a nitrogen atom in six-membered ring, was successfully applied for 4f/5f separation using MOX spent fuel irradiated (143.8GWd/t) at the fast experimental reactor "Joyo".Catalytic electrolytic extraction (CEE), utilizing under potential deposition with forming of undissolvable metal solid solution in acidic media, can effectively separate PGMs,Tc and Re from HLLW.Those co-deposits were, dense and mechanically stable, showing electrochemically high catalytic reactivity on electrolytic H2 production.2.Après ORIENT Après ORIENT will newly propose transmutation of highly radioactive FPs into valuable, but non-radioactive rare metal elements by (n,γ) reaction succeeded by β-decay,ZFPA (n,γ) Z FPA+1 → Z+1NRMA+1 + β-Current transmutation target FP elements are Tc, Ru, Rh and some REs.Preliminary calculation with the conditions of even at higher energy fast neutron spectra with high neutron flux suggests the high transmutation possibility for the pairs of FPTc→Ru as well as among REs hike FPTb→Dy.In the case of transmutation of FP Ba to La (RE), optimization study is underway.
泰雅族的部落大都群居在山区,主要分布在台湾台中埔里以北、中央山脉一带。“泰雅”一词,在该族语言中即指“人”。    文字。用自然物做记号  泰雅族没有文字,他们利用自然物来做记号。比如,在岔道口上结草,表示行进的方向;在自家的刀柄或其他用具上刻上三角形或十字形,以表示自己的所有权……虽然都只是些符号,但是泰雅族人却通过它们来表达自己的思想。  信仰。敬重祖灵和鬼灵  泰雅族非常敬重神灵。他们认为,
  The CAREM concept was first presented in March 1984 in Lima, Peru, during the IAEA conference on small and medium size reactors.CAREM design criteria or sim