Precision Measurement in Biology

来源 :第八届全国微全分析系统学术会议、第三届全国微纳尺度生物分离分析学术会议暨第五届国际微化学与微系统学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:freeboy033
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  Is biology a quantitative science like physics? I will discuss the role of precision measurement in both physics and biology,and argue that in fact both fields can be tied together by the use and consequences of precision measurement.The elementary quanta of biology are twofold: the macromolecule and the cell.Cells are the fundamental unit of life,and macromolecules are the fundamental elements of the cell.I will describe how precision measurements have been used to explore the basic properties of these quanta,and more generally how the quest for higher precision almost inevitably leads to the development of new technologies,which in turn catalyze further scientific discovery.In the 21st century,there are no remaining experimental barriers to biology becoming a truly quantitative and mathematical science.
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摘要:初中思想品德课的课堂提问,是常见和重要的教学手段之一,教师在教学过程中,能否懂得提问的技巧,将很大程度上决定着老师的教和学生的学的效果,本文将从以下几个方面来浅谈初中思想品德课课堂提问的技巧:有目的性地提出问题;有层次地提出问题;来比较法来提问;发现学生的兴趣点来设问;联系社会热点话题来提问;提问要有针对性;学生自主提问、互问互答。  关键词:思想品德;课堂提问;有目的;有层次;比較法;学生