Solar Cooking for the Most Deprived

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Low Carbon Earth Summit-2012 2012第二届低碳科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxebabi
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  In many semi-arid regions (in West Africa between 12-19oN, more than 2,000,000 km2) the ecology does not sustainably support a population density greater than a few hundred persons per 100 km2.Many of these persons live in small villages nearby a wadi (a mostly dry riverbed) or move with their roaming herds.If, for a non-ecological reason, the population density is suddenly increased, three of the essential human needs: water, food, energy for cooking, notably wood, may not be satisfied.In these regions solar energy is often abundant.Moreover, it is equitably distributed, free of charge, and delivered to the "homestead".Its use can eliminate a very common reason for conflict, and contribute to a sense of justice, and peace.All that is needed is a simple, affordable, relatively easy-to-maintain way to capture this energy.Its use and cost must be such as to eliminate any reason for jealousy.It must be practicable even in regions of severe armed conflict.While the method proposed relies on basic physics, for its daily use only common sense is needed, as proven by the women, men and children using it.The equipment described fulfills this role, provided a relatively short and simple training in its manufacture and use is given.The most important requirement for 100% effectiveness for cooking, is that manufacture and use must follow the instructions for 100% (hence the local Arabic expression "mia/mia").This communication describes how the technique was adopted by tens of thousands of families, and now provides cooked meals for more than 100,000 persons, 300 or more days per year, frequently even twice daily.Many more refugees and civilians in the area wish to be trained and equipped in the coming months and years.SolarCooking gives women free time for their education, families and household work.It promotes cooking in clean air.It pasteurizes water for the babies.It eliminates risk of fire and burns.It is easy for the disabled.Etc.It also brought some peace.
俗话说得好:“健康是吃出来的。”为孩子撑起安全饮食的保护伞,让孩子们吃得安全、健康,是幼儿园一项最基础也是最重要的工作。膳食安全牵涉的范围很广。一旦食谱设计、原材料采购、清洗、消毒等环节出现失误,都可能造成重大的膳食安全问题。因此,建立一套严谨细致的管理制度,培养一支爱岗敬业的专业队伍,是保障幼儿园膳食安全的重要手段。    制度管理是基础    (一)采购、存放等管理制度  1 食品供货渠道合约
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