Research on Cross-Cultural Context of Chinese International Marriages in Japan

来源 :The 2011 International Conference on Education Science and M | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:worbestczhy
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  Objective: To understand the context of Japan-China cross-cultural status of international marriages, regard the Chinese people in Japan as the object of study, and research the related connection of the satisfaction of their married life, cross-cultural adaptation, and the need for assistance.Methods: The JapanChina international marriage in Japan in the 73 Chinese people using the self of the "Japan-China international marriage question naire" investigated three aspects: the satisfaction of married life, cross-cultural adaptation, the need for assistance.Results: although The Japan-China international marriage satisfaction and adaptability in the marriage of Chinese men was higher than that of women, the need assistance of men living in the city was higher than that of women; satisfaction and adaptability of women living in the city than those who living in rural areas, whereas the need for rural women was higher than urban women.Marital satisfaction and adaptability had a significant correlation.Discuss: there are many international problems in JapanChina marriage, which caused some mental crisis.They desperately need effective assistance in all aspects.
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